Friday, August 2, 2013

Searching for truth Searching for Faith: part 2

Well here I am again. I have been trying to write this part two for several days now and have put it off for various reasons, mostly because I was not sure what I wanted to say next. Not real sure I know now so I will wing it.

I have to admit I feel somewhat better for having ranted in my last post.  I did not get much response but I did get some. I have wondered if I offended a few of you out there, however, I will not apologize for anything I have written. It is what it is.

Anyway, lately I have been getting quite a few e-mails from people coming out of the churches who have been pretty burned and are very disillusioned  They are waking up to the fact that main-line religion is all a scam and is mostly programming mind control. Not just Christianity, I believe all religions are infected on this planet. I really believe religion was created to put humans in bondage and to control them. I do not think the Creator ever intended that in any way. Jesus Christ never taught that while he was here either. If you believe the gospels, Jesus never taught anything about religious practices. He was about loving the Creator with all our minds, body's and soul's and to love one another. We are to care for widows and orphan's and those in need and by doing that we were honoring the Creator.

Christ never taught about building funds, mandatory church attendance and giving all your money to the 'Ministry'. He said to follow Him and you did that by forgiving others their trespasses, asking for forgiveness for our own sins, loving others as Christ loved us and basically living out our lives as a living example of His love for us all.
The only example of prayer he gave was the Lord's prayer. He was not into anything I have seen in main line Christianity.  In fact I have a very hard time seeing Him in any building called 'Church'. The Church and the Kingdom of God is suppose to be within us, not in a man made building. There is suppose to be freedom in Christ not more condemnation and bondage.

I don't know, sigh... I mean I am not a biblical scholar by any means and never claimed to be. All I know is that all this crap is making me sick and very angry. I know that somehow I need to get to a place where I can face the fact that most people do not want truth, they want what they want. Most will never accept my story about abuse, blood sacrifice, mind control etc. in religion much less the church down the street or heaven forbid TBN! Most will always hang onto their illusions because their religion is their God. They worship the religious practices and preachers of their choice and hang the person who tells them any different. And please... don't tell them anything about human sacrifice and child abuse, especially in the 'Church'.

So I am just Judy. I have survived a lot of horrible things. I have seen a lot of horrible things, but the one thing I just can not seem to get over is people who willing choose to stay ignorant. That just blows my mind.


Marie said...

I believe all the things you went through Judy. I know "religion" is a farce. All we need is the simple gospel message.
Your sister in Christ,

Lee in TN said...

Sister Judy,
Bless you for speaking up, speaking out and speaking the Truth! So many "Christians" are walking around dumb & blind to what is happening in their church, and all around them. And they cannot see, do not want to see, or are part of the issue you speak of here. And to most, speaking like this of their church or favorite TV pastor is blasphemy!

Very few will break free of the mind control to get to really know Jesus, and the hard Truth that all this is NOT about them, but it is for Him, and those He chooses to be called out for His purposes.

Thank you and Bless you always! - Lee

Judy said...

Thanks all!!

I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under I will explain on that b...