Monday, December 22, 2014

End of Year Post

Well I guess it is time for my end of the year post.
It sure has been on heck of a ride this year!!
I found out my oldest son needed a liver transplant the first of the year and spent several stints in the hospital with him to start things off.
I fought major depression for several months and just about let it do me in. Thank God for all the prayers going out in my behalf!!! I know that was a huge reason I did not jump off a bridge!
Then around July I got my sea legs back and started feeling almost human again.
I lost over 50 lbs since then, got a part time job in a little Hospice Thrift store and came to a place where I am not in a state of panic anymore. I decided to change the things I could and give the rest to my Creator.
No, we don't have the money we need for Joshua's transplant, no we do not have a house or a bathroom, but we do have peace.
That is something we can not put a price tag on!!! 
We thought we had the house thing worked out but it fell through. That is OK, however, because I know in my heart God has a much better plan!!! 
Has Joshua been healed? No, but he is hanging in there. That is a miracle!!! So I figure that if the time comes and we need to care for him, the house will be there. Period. 
I just feel in my spirit that it will all be sorted out. Believe you me that is HUGE!!!! Especially for me!!!
So this end of the year post is about HOPE, FAITH and PEACE.

I bid you all HOPE, FAITH and PEACE for this coming year!!! : ) 

May the Creator richly bless you and keep you!!!

Love and prayers always!!!

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