Friday, January 11, 2013

Another year....Oh MY... : )

Well it is a new year on planet earth. Maybe I should say it is an old year because this planet is none to new? Anyway I hope this year brings blessings and peace to you all out there. I know, that is a tall order but I am trying to keep a positive spin to an otherwise negative world.
I have been kind of fighting this dissociation thing the past few months. Nothing where I lose time or vanish or anything dramatic like that, it is more like I am still outside myself looking in or visa/versa. I think now that the holidays and my BD have passed I am feeling some better on that level. December is always a hard month for me. Still fighting the eye thing but really wondering if it is more, older programming and spiritual that anything. Thanks for the prayers!

I have been feeling very creative as of late and am in the process of working out a design I can do in collage form, 3D type thing. I feel as if there is a memory that needs escape and that is where it will find its way out. Most of my art are escaping memories. I really do not always understand them but I guess it is not always about understand as much as it is about just letting them escape, like cleaning out a wound.

I highly recommend anyone out there who is dealing with healing issues of any kind to find a way of escape. Maybe you can do that by writing words, music, sewing, gardening and art, whatever. You will be surprised how much release you can get. Free writing is a wonderful way to let things escape, but free painting or drawing is great as well. Don’t spend a lot of time trying to analyze what you do either, just flow with the process. My best stuff has come by doing that.

Another thing I highly recommend is walking. It is a great stress releaser. You don’t have to walk fast or far as it is the movement and rhythm that can be very soothing. I have my best talks with the Creator when I walk. I admit sometimes they are more like rants but none the less I feel much freer to say what is on my mind and heart when I am walking. I also seem to find more clarity in my thoughts when I walk.

Another wonderful thing to have is a friend to whom you can say what you will or be who you are. If you cannot find one then write me. I am always available to anyone who wants an honest, real friendship with no BS. I do not know what I would do without the few of you out there who have taken the time to befriend me. You are all true gifts from the Creator, which I do not doubt.

If any of you are in the shape to do it I also always suggest volunteering somewhere doing something that you believe in. Does not even have to be with humans… animal shelter, vets etc. always need volunteers. Maybe a community garden if that is your thing? Just a few hours a week can make a real difference in how you feel about things. I have not had the chance to volunteer since I moved back to Texas (due to transportation as I live 12 miles outside of town and no available car) but just as soon as I can afford some wheels you can be sure I am going to find somewhere to spend a few volunteer hours a week at. Not that I am anything special, it is all selfish on my part. Volunteering gives me a mental and spiritual boost few other things do.

OK, I guess what I am trying to do here with this blog entry is give you all a heads up this next year and encourage you all to reach out and find a way to survive one more year. A year at a time, a month at a time, a week at a time, a day at a time, an hour at a time, a min. at a time. Whatever it takes to get through, whatever it takes to get us all through. Remember, we are not alone as long as we reach out to each other and our Creator.

Love and Prayers Always,

1 comment:

Lee in TN said...

Glad to hear from you in this new year...2013 - wow! Prayers for you, your provision, your eyes(!), and your creative side.

And agreed - walking is great! Nice time to get some fresh air, and alone time with our Lord.



I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under I will explain on that b...