Friday, December 14, 2012

Holiday time?

Well it is holiday time again. I think it is funny that Thanks Giving and Christmas are referred to as holiday’s because that alludes to holy and not much these days is what I would call even being close to holy.

Anyway that is my opinion. However, does anyone out there feel like you are always on the outside looking in at everything? Do you often feel as if nothing is real anymore? Do you feel as if everything is an illusion? If you do then you can understand what I have been feeling for a very long time. I have even begun to wonder if I am even real anymore. Maybe I am a figment of my imagination, if that is possible. I touch things and wonder if what I am touching is there, or what I am looking at is there. Did I really give birth and raise children at one time or did I imagine it? Did I really go through all those horrible things during my life or did I imagine it?

Maybe what I have been feeling is part of the spiritual and physical shift that is happening on this planet. It looks like to me that People are just wandering around in a daze lost in their phones, games and cyber lands not really aware of anything around them at all, much less things being different. I have noticed that not many people can even seem to look at each other in the eye anymore.

If December 21 is the beginning of a cosmic shift of some kind than is what seems to be going on now a precursor? Maybe December 21 is nothing at all but the winter solstice as usual, but I am curious about the alignment of the galaxy to its center. The ancients seemed to have a better grip on the spiritual sense of things and the affects of celestial changes on this planet and its inhabitants. Most people in this time period seem to have no connection to anything but cyber land these days.

Now I am not saying there will be anything remarkable about 12/21/12 but then you never know. My birthday was on 12/12/12 this year and nothing remarkable happened that day, at least as far as I know.

I guess in a way I am hoping that maybe something amazing will happen. What that amazing might be is anyone’s guess but in my mind I wish for a positive shift of some sort, like maybe a new cosmic connection with the Creator? Or maybe a shift where people will start connecting on a real level and really care about one another? Or maybe this will be a time where the playing field is cleared, where evil is eradicated and peace and love abounds.

OK, so I have lost my mind but, are not all of you out there really tired of the entire BS taking place on this planet?
I get so mad when the bad guys always seem to win and the good guys get slammed. I do not take a lot of comfort in ‘someday they will get theirs, or they will be judged in the end’ I mean I cannot even contemplate the end; I am ready for the evil and darkness to stop now! I am ready for a little peace and joy. I already know it does not come in a package, but in the hearts and attitudes of humans. 

Christians are always quoting scriptures about the Joy of the Lord and how we are suppose to praise God in all things. I have to admit yet again that I have not always been real good at any of that. My heart and brain hurts when I know children are being hurt, or when I know anyone is being used and abused. I cannot find anything to praise God for in those situations. Truthfully I do not think He even expects it. I find no joy in these things either.

My joy comes in spurts. I find joy is a beautiful sunrise or sunset. I find joy is a warm genuine hug. I find joy in my animals. I find joy when I hear a child give a genuine belly laugh. I find joy in many small places and in many different ways but it is not a constant; it is like dots and dashes.

That is where my praise to the Creator comes into play as well. I do not always wake up with praises on my lips. A lot of times I wake up wondering why I am still here. I do find praises as I take my morning walk because I can still walk, see, hear and smell. I find praises because in a world that is so filled with muck I can still find beauty and love. It always amazes me that anything good even remotely survives on this planet.

I am not looking forward to doomsday. In fact my prayers are for mercy on this planet and for all its inhabitants. I am always looking for a cosmic loop hole to deliver us out of destruction and doomsday. I still believe humans have a huge potential for goodness. I just think we are all fighting for that good against a huge amount of evil. And the amazement is that good sometimes breaks through in spite of the odds against it doing so. My prayer is that the Creator will have mercy on us mere humans and finally eliminate evil once and for all.

I am so tired of all the bloodshed, pain and destruction taking place on this planet. I know you all are tired of it as well.
So even if I am not much into holidays, I am into the spirit of giving and caring for humanity. At least, these holidays still try and promote goodwill towards our fellow humankind. Maybe for a few weeks out of the year people think about others. That cannot be all bad. Hey, we need to take what good we can find and expand on it. Maybe this time of year is a window of sorts where we have the potential to reach out to people we could otherwise not do so? I don’t know however, I do know I am always in favor of showing love and kindness no matter what time of year it is.

So, with that I shall end this writing saying to you all.
May you all have a wonderful good Holiday. Try and keep it holy by showing compassion and love towards others and remembering that there is still good in us. It was put there by our Creator. We just need to cultivate it and share it with others.

Thank you all for sharing your goodness with me through the months and years.
God Bless!

1 comment:

Steven Garren said...

Well Judy you echo a lot of what I feel. We have both been in this spiritual warfare a long time and it gets tiring. Most days are hard to get out of bed. Often I wonder why I am still here, the last member of my family. How much longer oh God? The wicked prosper on but I remind myself they have their justice coming. And if it wasn't for the grace of God I would be included with them. So we can always find reason to give thanks. My anger has tempered over the years but I get really mad too when those in power use the deaths of innocent children for political gain. There is no hell low enough for them.

I'm not much for holidays either. It's a farce more than anything, not to mention the greed. It's always a relief when it's over.

Happy birthday! I had one last month. Another year closer to home. Maybe next year will be our last on this prison planet. The only potential humans have for good is their connection to Jesus. The unregenerate human heart is totally depraved. I see that evidence every week in this small town. The local paper contains several pages of crime reports. Big cities are a killing field. But someday soon it will end and Jesus will reign. He really will!

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