Friday, March 12, 2010


Here I am again always the question girl.
One thing I am sure about is the only way to learn anything is to ask questions. So, that is what I do best. It does not mean I always get answers, truthfully I usually end up with more questions.

So here is my question of the week....

Why is it when people are talking about their faith and beliefs and you do not agree with them they tend to get upset and at times even angry?

Does it not make sense that if a person is sure about their beliefs and at peace with them then they would not feel threatened by other people's faith and belief systems no matter what they are?
Or is it that some people are so sure that they are right everyone else needs to believe the way they do?

I have the most problems with Christians....
If I say I do not go to church they automatically disregard anything I might say or believe because I am not in a church. It is like I can not have a relationship at all with my Creator and Savior if I am not attending a church. I have had Christians get almost angry with me for just this one thing.
I have had that scripture about not forsaking the assembling of the fellowship or whatever it is thrown at me like some kind of commandment or maybe the main one?
I fellowship with like minded people all the time, only it might be over the phone or in someones home or in a restaurant. I just do not happen to believe it has to be in a specific religious building. Does not the Lord tell us that He is there where two or more are gathered?

I do not remember anything about having to have someone who went to seminary being qualified to lead a group and he was the only one who knew anything. I do not remember the Father telling me that I have to belong to an organized religion to find Him or serve Him.

Christians are so quick to bash non-believers... and that is usually anyone who is not in their church.... They condemn Muslims for the very things they do themselves. Am I a Muslim? No... however I do not consider myself a Christian anymore either...
Do I condemn Christians and other religious groups for their beliefs? No... that is not my place or job. I do not have anything against Christians other then always being put down by them and treated like I am a leper... or a stupid person or, the worst sinner on the planet and bound for eternal hell fires that only they can lead me away from.

I do not feel threatened by other peoples faith systems.... I do not feel the need to try and convert them over to mine either. I believe the Fathers calls each of us in His own way... if I am asked about my beliefs I will talk about them..however, I feel my relationship is a personal one between my Father and me. It is not defined by religion...

Religion has probably done more to separate people from the Creator of All then anything on this planet.... as well as seperate people in general. Wars have been fought because of religion.

I am not threatened by church goers... I think that if that is your conviction then it is a good thing for you... but it has never been a good thing for me. I have felt more freedom and closer to my Savior since I left the religious front then ever before. But that is my experience.... that might not be yours...

I am not going to tell you I am right and you are wrong.... I can not read your mind or your heart...that is not my job and I would not want it if it was.

So please.... do not try and read mine....

And please do not be offended when I say I am not a Christian anymore... I am a believer and a follower of the Creator of All.... lets just leave it at that. I am not offended it you say you are a Christian... I have a lot of Christian friends and I love them all, right along with my non-Christian friends.

Seems like we are to love one another.... Hummmmm, what a concept.



smalls said...

I guess it takes a while for some (it took me a while) to realize that our walk is our own and not dependent on others. We can learn from our fellow humans, but preferably not what they would have us learn. Maybe the road to freedom must begin with a desire for it. Some are comfortable letting others define their freedom. God freed my mind, so I have no doubt He can free someone who appears at the moment to be stuck in a particular mindset. On His timing.

Anonymous said...

We are all in different places in our journey with our Father. It doesn't make sense that He would want "cookie cutter" children, ie going to the same "church", having the same mind sets etc. There is only one way, through Jesus Christ and our Father, but what people may call their creator in their journey or what place they may be in that journey is personal with our Father and them. If we were all at the same spot in our growth, then we wouldn't be much help to others when they have needs. Some are babes, some are teenagers and some are mature etc. We have to trust Fathers timing. I am absolutely speaking to my self here also. Love your wise insights Judy as also, so grateful for your obedience to our Father in printing what is not really popular. Love Sandy

Anonymous said...

Hey Sis! You know I agree.
Over the years, I did not have a choice, but to abandon old belief systems and move on and CHANGE my whole life over and over AGAIN! I find now that those who get angry w/me or my beliefs are those who are "afraid" to change theirs. I can be compassionate now, cuz I remember standing at that cliff wondering if I should take the risk, haha, u know what I mean. Love u sis! Deb

I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under I will explain on that b...