Thursday, March 18, 2010

So what do ya think?

I am starting to poop out...
Maybe I have just run out of things to say.. or maybe I do not need to say anything else?
Maybe my job here is done?
I started working on my website but really my heart in not in it right now. I am not a webmaster and my website is pretty shabby. I do have my story wrote there but I am beginning to think it does not matter anymore, that maybe I have said all I can say and the ones who needed to hear it already have.

I do not hear much from anyone anymore and I think that might be a sign that I should be off to other things.
What else can I say about this stuff anyway?

But I do thank you all who have supported me...
I will be praying about it... and I will let you all know before I shut this thing down.

Maybe I am just tired...

Love & Prayers,


Anonymous said...

I say take a break and live alittle, the process continues, but you know that already. I still believe there are those and me being one of them, that love hearing from you.

Love & blessings to you dear sis!

Trish Daniel said...

yeah.. just go as you are led sis, but you know, we really appreciate you!!!! Mwah!

Prayer Warrior said...

Judy, dont' go, please dont give up and I hope you don't close your facebook page either. I know I hadn't been in touch lately..forgive me...been caught up with stuff. I also had noticed you had a friend in common request to me and I lost that...(I was still learning my way around facebook and I think I deleted that by accident) I guess we all go thru times of discouragement etc. Don't give up. Check out my facebook page! I got new pics, etc! Love, Lara

Antbrother said...

Hey Sista Judy,

I surely have appreciated all the GoOD words you have shared with me and i believe you are the only one that comments on my blog so Pllllleeeeaaaasssse don't shut this down. That's a selfish request because i have loved this walk with you in words and thoughts from the heart.

Trish is right though, you will be lead in what to do - chill, relax, spend some time in the dirt and ask for the Holy Spirit to lead you.

Love and Blessings,


I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under I will explain on that b...