Saturday, March 6, 2010

So how is everyone out there????

Hi all...

I have kind of slowed down on my posts as of late..guess you might have noticed?

So many changes in me and so much has happened so fast that I do not even know where to start.
Anyway here is the thing...
One thing I am beginning to understand is that the more I learn about anything the more I realize I don't really know much at all.

I have listened to a lot of people talk about their faith and it seems to me that the more I listen to people talk about their beliefs and their relationship with the Father the more I am beginning to understand how really personal it is for each of us. How can anyone really say that they know all the truth when everyone has their own truth? I mean it seems everyone even interprets scripture differently.... so who is right?
Well maybe I am a bit overstepping it here however, I know that the Father really does meet us where we are. He is no respecter of persons... he sent His Son for all of us. All that are His. I just happen to believe that some on this planet are not His and never have been and never will be. Do I know who they all are? No, but I have my suspicions now and then. I suspect you all do as well.

I also know the The Father has a sense of humor....
I had a patient pass away a couple of weeks ago... he was so neat and I really got to care for him and love him a lot. He was 73. He talked a lot about his life, the good parts as well as the bad, he made no excuses and he seemed at peace with his past for the most part. He was a retired military man and had been all over the world, seen many interesting things and had four children he was very proud of. He was a biker and a very humorous man.
I got the honor of being with him before he passed to hold his hand and just comfort him in his transition. Probably the most spiritual and emotionally moving experience I have ever had.
We had many discussions about the Lord and his beliefs and I was at peace with the relationship he had with the Creator..I had no doubt he would be OK when he passed on and we would meet again.

At his funeral when the preacher was giving an overview of his life he mentions that my friend was a 32 degree Mason/Shriner.... I almost started laughing out loud. I said to the Lord in my mind "you knew when you put me with him where he had been and who he also knew just what I needed to help in my healing and forgiveness...for all those Masons who had hurt me in the past... you just showed me the power of forgiveness and how far yours goes... Thank You Father!!!" What a sense of humor our Creator has..... he never allowed me to know my friend was a Mason.... He wanted me to love him for who he was and see his heart without any preconceived notions....isn't that amazing? He knew how that would make me laugh and cry all at the same time. His love and compassion goes without boundaries....

My friend did not have a masonic funeral.... all he wanted was a military funeral... to be cremated and his ashes buried beside his twin brother... simple, to the point and a very great example of who he was.

This one man in such a short period of time managed to change my life in a very profound way. My Father knew just what I needed, what my friend needed and He is very much in control of my life.
He is in control of yours as well....never doubt it.

Peace & Love,


Antbrother said...

Beautiful Judy,

Yes, most certainly, God meets us where we are and He, only The Lord Jesus Christ, provides the healing the growth, the challenges and mostly the Grace to grow closer to Father, the release the full Power of the Holy Spirit within us.... all this so that we may walk with God in His Garden and show His glory through our actions. It is the intent, just like Moses and the other prophets, to want to KNOW Him, really Know Who God is as a friend, as The Creator, as The Counselor.

You are blessed this day Judy and that blessing passes on to all of His because you receive it with an open hand and heart. Thank you for sharing your walk and strengthening me in my walk. Though we have separate paths, we cross from time to time as the Spirit of God leads us - The Body of Christ moving in perfect harmony.


~ antbrother

Anonymous said...

I love the way the Lord works, a 32 degree mason, WOW. Shows how there is hope for the rest of us. Love, S

Judy said...

Love you guys.... always!!!

I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under I will explain on that b...