for today
I am not one of the smartest people on this planet. I have
never claimed I was and do not attain to become one. In any case I so want to
at least have some wisdom and knowledge under my belt that is worth having and
not trivial crap, mindless facts and otherwise brain clutter clogging up my
brain cells forever. I don’t want my mind full of programing, lies and fear. I DO want
truth and real facts. I DO want to know fact from fiction, truth from lies and if
possible reality from delusion.
I do realize that wanting the above comes with a huge price
and once going forward with this pursuit there is no turning back. I either
plow on through or drown.
I can’t say when I actually chose this path, maybe I was
always on it but got sidetracked from time to time. What I do know is that I am
on it and I am committed for the long haul no matter what. I will live on this road
and maybe die on it but at this point in my life any other option in not acceptable
to me.
I have already lost a lot going down this road however, I have
also gained a lot. Whether that has been good or bad I really cannot say
because I am just not sure where I am at on this road at this point and my
perspective is pretty skewed right now.
I wonder if I have been following this road in other lifetimes
or realities or if it has just been this 56 year life span I know now? Did the
Creator of All put this spark of whatever in me long ago and set me on a
course? Will I reach some sort of goal or finish line with a real reality at
the end? Am I going through a matrix of sorts working out my salvation until I win
and earn reality or eternity?
As of now all I see on
both sides of my road/path is a place full of fear, destruction, hate and pain.
I cannot help but think that if I keep on this path and focus on what is in
front of me, step by step, that eventually I will find my way out and be free.
It is like not being able to see the forest for the trees on this planet or
reality or whatever it is. And if there is any truth on this planet/reality it
has long been hidden and buried by tons of delusional fear. Even what little
love you find here is tinged and tainted with fear.
Fear seems to fall from the skies, bubble up from the ground
and ferment the air. Fear separates us from the Creator. Fear blinds us from
truth. Fear keeps us in bondage and our hearts in chains. Fear is a spiritual
cancer that destroys everything in its path leaving only pain, death and ashes.
I hear it, feel it and see it all around me and in everything.
I believe Jesus said that ‘perfect love casts out all fear’
and he taught that you cannot have faith if you have fear. Faith described in
the bible is ‘the substance of things hoped for the evidence not seen’. So I am
wondering if somehow I can strive to find that perfect love, then all the fear
I see around me can be conquered in me with faith through that perfect love. I
believe that even one person at a time waking up to that reality of the Creator
of All’s perfect love can eventually conquer all fear and enter the reality of
true love, peace and total communion with the Creator.
So another question, how do I overcome fear with love?
I decided to identify my biggest fears. So here I am baring my
I am always afraid of disappointing the Creator of
All and losing my connection to Him.
Answer: The Creator of All never loses one of
His own and His sheep hear His voice.
2) I am
afraid of being deceived.
Answer: We are all living in a deception. Recognizing
this reality is a deception is the first step in breaking the stronghold of
this deception. He said, seek the truth and you shall find it.
3) I am afraid
that all the deception and evil on this planet will eventually suck us all
under and destroy humankind.
Answer: He said He never loses one of His own
and if we are His he will not let humankind be destroyed. The Creator of All
has a plan for the redemption and ultimate salvation of all mankind. He did not
send Jesus to destroy the world but to save it. He said to pray ‘Thy will be done
on earth and it is in heaven’.
4) I am afraid I will not be physically strong
enough for the days ahead.
Answer: I can do all things through and like
Christ who strengthens me. Since He is in me then I already have that strength required
to survive and carry on my destiny on this planet.
The bible says that he who seeks shall find and he who knocks
the door shall be opened for. If I seek the truth the Creator will see that I
find the truth.
So I believe when you have a fear identify it, clarify it,
then annihilate it with truth. Every fear has an answer or a solution. All
fears are lies. So fight fear with truth. Anything that brings fear is a lie so
always look at its opposite, as the opposite of fear is truth. Anytime you hear
something that brings on fear, turn it around so you can see the truth.
That is when you get closer to that perfect Love of the
Anytime we allow someone or something to have power and
control over us we are giving it permission to be our god. When we give into
fear we make fear our god.
Perfect love can only come through the Creator of All. As long
as we allow fear unto our lives we put that fear before GOD the Creator of All,
thus never being able to find that perfect love to cast out all fear. Like I
said fear is a god into itself, all consuming. We cannot serve two Gods. We
either choose God the Creator of All or god of fear.
To serve God the Creator of All in truth and honor we have to turn
away from fear. Cast away all fear with and through Christ Jesus who is in us,
as with the kingdom of GOD. Jesus came to teach us that we cannot serve The
Creator of All and have fear at the same time. He taught that fear is the
opposite of faith and that faith is casting away or overcoming fear no matter
what you see, feel or hear. Always remember fear is the lie and the real
Creator of all, is faith based on truth which is perfect love!!
I hope this made some kind of sense. I am a work in progress you know. But I felt this had some truth and hope for us all to find peace, love and most of all a real connection with The Creator of ALL.
Love & prayers,
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