I know I have written about this before, at least I think I
have. In any case I am going to hit on the subject of fear.
We all have fears. That is a given if you live on this
planet because for one reason there are a lot of things out there to be afraid
of. A lot of people think fear is usually about monsters and such but fear
comes on many levels and in different forms.
I know as a child and even up into adulthood I have had all
sorts of fears. I was afraid of the perpetrators who abused and used me. I was
afraid of failure and of most people in general, in fact I was afraid of so
many things that I cannot even begin to write them all out. I guess it would be
much easier if I wrote about what I was not afraid of. But I think my biggest
fear was of God. I was always taught the he was a hard taskmaster and judge and
if I did not live up to his expectations, whatever they were, I would burn in
agony forever in a place called hell. I never really believed that the God I
was taught about in church and otherwise could never really love me for who I
was and that I would always be a huge disappointment to him no matter what I
I still fight my share of fears. I am not proud to admit
that but in truth the only thing to really change as I grow older is the things
I fear. I am not really afraid of the perps anymore or most people in general.
I usually just pretty much keep to myself because it is easier on them then me.
I am kind of odd at times and that makes people uncomfortable. Also I am much
more outspoken then I used to be (because I was always afraid to state an
opinion) although I usually choose when and where I make any kind of statement
as most really do not care what others think if it is any kind of different
from the norm, (Whatever normal is?) Wasting my breath is more like it in most
cases so I stay silent, but I am not afraid to speak up anymore like I once
When I realized that the enemies of my soul and body had
only one major weapon in their pocket (fear) I felt a sigh of relief escape me.
I mean had I already not been pretty much through the worst of it when I was a
child? And even now fear only paralyzes me; it does not give me any power but
gives all the power to them. I am not saying I do not have fear, what I am
saying it is much easier to manage it when I realize that fear is their main
weapon and because I am a child of the Creator and greater is HE that is in me
then any enemy in this world. That is a pretty huge shield of protection and
I have been told by several that they are not afraid of
anything…they have plenty of guns and ammo, food stored up for famines, etc….
so they will not be hit unprepared. Well OK, if that is what gives you peace
then go for it. In my book I have seen things change in a minute and everything
I thought was safe when up in smoke (fire), I have had to leave things behind,
I have had things taken away, I have lost things, I have seen things get blown
away. I think it is OK to prepare for an unknown in a sense but do not use
those preparations as your guarantee that things will be safe and OK. Does any
of this make sense? And always be ready to give and help another. What use is
it if all your preparations are hoarded with no thought for anyone but you? My
fear is surviving on a planet with those kinds of people!! Because they are
more afraid then anyone!!! And fear makes people do crazy things!
Now back to my fear of God. Like I said I was always taught
that God was a pretty tough dude to please and was more than ready to push
anyone into HELL if they did not tow the line.
I hear people all the time saying things like… ‘Well they
had better get it right or they are going to burn in hell!!” or ‘I try and
repent all the time because I am so afraid that I will burn in hell if I die on
a day I messed up!” or “God will judge you and throw you into hell if you do
not start going to church and giving money!!” or “God will not ever answer your
prayers because you are not living right!” whatever that means to whomever is
saying that at the time. And I love this one “As long as you keep repenting it
does not matter what you do, God only judges what you do not repent of. So go
abuse children and hurt others, etc, just be sure to repent afterwards.”
1 re·pent
Verb \ri-ˈpent\
Intransitive verb
To turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one's life
A: To feel regret or contrition
B: To change one's mind
Transitive verb
To cause to feel regret or contrition
To feel sorrow, regret, or contrition for
OK, so it seems to me that if a
person truly repents of a thing then that person will be dedicated to changing
and not repeating the thing of offence. If a dog keeps returning to its vomit
then it would seem to me that it really likes the vomit and has no intention of
staying away from it. So, no matter how
many times it throws it back up if it keeps returning and eating it then the
dog really does not feel bad about it.
That is the way I see repentance, if
a person really feels they are doing wrong then they will turn away from
whatever they feel convicted about, otherwise they have nothing to really
repent of because they are not convicted about the offense but are trying to
please somebody else’s idea of what is acceptable and what is not and thus
trying to either fit in, or fool people into believing they are trying to
change. I think that some people are so arrogant that they even believe they
can fool the Creator. But that is another blog entry for another day.
Sorry sometimes I get sidetracked. :
So, back to fear of God…. How can
anyone really fear God if they are trying to fool him? And what God are they
trying to impress anyway? I am soooo confused!!!
Now in my simple brain I do believe
very much in a serious Creator, call him God or Supreme being, or the Great I
AM, Savior… no matter what you call the Creator in my heart I see Him as a
loving God, and personal God and a caring God. Do I understand God? Nope, I
have way more questions than answers. But I do think the Creator gets blamed
for a lot of stuff He never does or did. I am not afraid of going to Hell
because I let Him down, I know I am His child and am secure in that knowledge.
I am more afraid of not living the life I was given to the best of my ability
and honoring the Creator I believe in. I am more afraid of not caring enough
about the people around me and not using what the Creator has given me to the
best of my abilities. I am afraid of hurting someone unintentionally and not
being a reflection of the Creator I serve.
But I also realize that it is what it is and I
am who I am in all my goodness and badness. When I truly feel convicted about
something I choose to change and go another direction. If I say a cuss word now
and then I do not fall down and cry out to God to forgive me for my sin… I just
make a note to try and do better next time. I do not see that as a sin, only
bad grammar and ignorance.
Maybe I am too simple, however; I do
not fear you all will reject me for that.
So take the time to review fear… and
remember. If we belong to the Creator He did not give us the spirit of fear but
of peace, love and a sound mind!!! 2
Timothy 1:7
I John 4:18 such love has no fear,
because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of
punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love. New Living Translation
Romans 8:15 For
you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you
received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father."
1 John 4:12 No
one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his
love is made complete in us.
“Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”: FDR’s First Inaugural
Definition of FEAR
transitive verb
archaic : to feel fear in (oneself)
: to have a reverential awe of <fear
: to be afraid of : expect
with alarm <fear the worst>
intransitive verb
: to be afraid or apprehensive <feared
for their lives>
— fear·er noun
Examples of FEAR
He was a cruel king who was feared and hated by his subjects.
There's no need to fear.
Origin of FEAR
Middle English feren, from Old English fǣran, from fǣr
First Known Use: before 12th century
Related to FEAR
Definition of FEAR
a : an unpleasant often strong
emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger
(1) :
an instance of this emotion (2) : a state marked by this emotion
: profound reverence and awe
especially toward God
Examples of FEAR
He was trembling with fear.
unable to walk the streets without fear of being mugged
They regarded their enemies with fear and hatred.
I've been trying to overcome my fear of flying.
The doctor's diagnosis confirmed our
worst fears.
The government is trying to allay fears of a recession.
Employees expressed fears that the company would go out of business.
He told us about all his hopes and fears.
She has a morbid fear of cats.
Origin of FEAR
Middle English fer, from Old English fǣr sudden danger;
akin to Old High German fāra ambush and perhaps to Latin periculum attempt, peril, Greek peiran to attempt
First Known Use: 12th century
Related to FEAR
Synonyms: alarm (also alarum), anxiety, dread, fearfulness,
fright, horror, panic, scare, terror, trepidation
Antonyms: unconcern
Words: phobia; creeps, jitters, nervousness,
willies; pang, qualm, twinge; agitation, apprehension,
disquiet, funk, perturbation;
concern, dismay, worry; cowardice, faintheartedness,
timidity, timorousness
Antonyms: aplomb, assurance, boldness, confidence, self-assurance,
bravery, courage, courageousness,
daring, dauntlessness,
fortitude, gallantry, hardihood, intrepidity,
stoutness, valor; audacity, guts, nerve
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