Monday, September 24, 2012

Just felt like writing : )

You know I always seem to get all kinds of inspiration in the wee hours of the morning on things to write only to lose much of it when I get up. The only reason I do not get up then and write is because Tim and I live in a one room small building and I do not want to wake him. However, it is my contention, that if I am suppose to write it, I will eventually, so I do not worry about it too much.
In any case I feel like writing today so here goes.

As you all know I am no great writer and do not even pretend that I am. I just try and write as honestly as I can about my struggles and victories over life as they come to encourage and help other along this crazy road called life as much as I can. It is all very great therapy for me as well so my motives are pretty selfish in any case.

But I do get some amazingly wonderful e-mails and letters from people who just happen to stumble on my website and feel blessed by it. Now that always amazes me to no end. I am even more amazed by the ones of you who always come back for more. Either you are as weird as me...ha! Or you are in need of a friend just as I am…. Friends who listen and care are always a needed thing. You all are just that and I love and pray for each of you.

Well onto my inspirational writing for today…  : )

Last night I was thinking and talking to the Father and my thoughts and such were about you all and about what I could share this week that would help a little in your world and mine.
My daughter Sunny was down this weekend and besides having such a great time being with her she reminded me of my own struggles so many years ago as a single mom trying to support, raise and deal with a house full of kids.
She worries that her imperfections and mess ups will scar and ruin her kids for life. I have gotten some letters from others out there who worry about that same thing. I worried and still do about all the years my kids had to live with my craziness.

As I look around me and watch parents struggle with their lives and kids, even the so-called normal parents, (Whatever that it? I have figured out one thing…at least I think I have. There are no perfect normal parents because there really are no normal perfect people. I used to think there was a consensus or litmus test on what normal was but I do not really believe that anymore. I think we all survive either in spite of or because of, on this planet.
What I mean is some people seem to be wired to survive and grow on adversity and others crumble and blow away. There does not seem to be any rhyme or reason except that is the way it is. I was one of the blessed few who seemed to be born a fighter however, that does not mean I always fought the right way or won all my fights. It just means I kept getting back up and going at it again, most times at different angles. Some people use religion, work and achievements to deal with things, some drugs, sex and alcohol… (Which only make more problems) to deal with life. I mean we all have problems and we all have dark places in our lives that we have to deal with, no exceptions.

Now back to our kids… yeah we probably jack up our kids with our craziness, bad decisions, and humanness, no doubt about it. But, in the end our kids, like us will have to make their own choices about their lives and claim responsibility for how it turns out. We cannot live on the lame excuse of my bad childhood forever for all our mistakes and mishaps in life. In life there are no guarantees and no changing the past. All we have is the future and that is fleeting at best. I have a wonderful Aunt who in her youth was a Vegas showgirl and call girl. She is 81 now and is never ashamed to talk about her past. Not because she loved it or thought she did right but because she knows it was a part of her life that she cannot change and because she knows that the Father has forgiven her. She had a very bad fact she found her mom after she committed suicide, when she was a girl and was then put into a children’s home. She was in her fifties when she realized that her Creator loved her in spite of her life and past. She was so excited she never looked back and took off basking in the Saviors redemption. She has spent the past 30 years sharing that love with everyone who cares to listen and she does that mostly by just loving people the way the Lord loves her and not judging their imperfections. She had a child during her dark years that she probably marked with her life, like most of us do, but she also loved many children who needed love along the way including her offspring. Was she the perfect role model and mom? Probably not but she did one thing very right…she loved those children.

So I am thinking that even though we blow it more often then not as parents or people in general love is the key here, love and forgiveness, for others and especially for ourselves. If the Creator and His son can forgive us and love us in spite of, then who are we to deny our own forgiveness and love? Are we a better authority on this matter then they are? I think not!

I have decided that as I watch my children and others raise their kids, that if they love them and are doing the best they can then that is all one can expect them do. I have said over and over…Christ Jesus taught and preached love and forgiveness, not condemnation. So those of you out there who are worried about your imperfections as a parent or as humans in general… celebrate your humanness, because you are unique and wonderful to the Creator. He made you special and He loves you! Thank Him for all that He has done for you and show your love by loving others, caring for others, forgiving others, not judging others and being the best human being you can, in spite of living on this nutty planet and being an imperfect human being.

That is all I have to say today…
Love & Prayers,

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I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under I will explain on that b...