Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Small Update

Just a small update to let everyone know I am doing OK.
Seems the more I give away the lighter I feel in my spirit.
I am beginning to believe that traveling light is the way to go!!!

My move should be complete by the end of this month.
Lots of challenges and changes to my life but so far so good.

Thanks again for all the prayers going out for me and my family.

When I get settled I will probably have a lot to write about. : )

Much love to you all!!



smalls said...

God Bless.

Samantha said...

yay! Glad you're feeling better! :) Transition is tough, huh?

I was thinking of you today! miss you tons!

<3 Sam

Judy said...

Thanks Sam and Smalls....
God Bless you both!!!

Judy said...

Hey Sam...e-mail me your e-mail address so we can write. How is your move going?
I miss you sweety..
Much love,
Aunt Judy

I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under I will explain on that b...