Monday, October 3, 2011


Hey all....

Well I am in transition...
My Mena Address will only be good for another few new address will be as follows

PO BOX 2871
Mountain View, AR.

TO all of you who have helped me and prayed for me... GOD BLESS YOU!!!
I am in the process of blessing others with my stuff....praying the Father leads the ones who needs
it the most, to me.

I am doing OK...fighting a cold but otherwise I feel stronger in the spirit then I have in a very long while.
My move should be complete in a few weeks. This is a major faith walk but rather exciting in an odd way. Shedding a lot of baggage along the way.

Please keep up the prayers!!! I will keep you posted as I can.

Again many thanks and GOD BLESS!!



Anneli said...

Dear Judy, peace to you. I continue to pray for you. Thank you for the update. You are loved!!! Strength and courage to you!

Much love to you.

Judy said...

Thanks Anneli and thanks for the wonderful card!!! I shall write you when I get settled...

Much Love,

I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under I will explain on that b...