What is
I am wondering if
there really is such a thing. I mean I thought I had forgiven my dad for all he
put me through and allowed to happen to me but when he died a few months ago I
discovered that maybe un-forgiveness was still lurking in the far reaches of my
heat. I always thought I was a pretty forgiving person but maybe that is what I
wanted to believe. When people tell me the Jesus died so my sins could be
forgiven and for my sins to be forgiven I had to forgive, I never much
questioned what that might mean.
To be sure my sins
are pretty far reaching and even though I strive to be a decent, caring person
I fail more often than not. Let’s face it us humans were brought into this
world pretty much at a deficit. No matter how much we might strive to do the
right thing and be a good person we fail at that attempt. So what is the point
of all of this? I can forgive and I can try to forget but both are almost
impossible. No matter how much I try to forgive, I always have to go back and
work on the same issues. If that is not bad enough I always have to deal with
new and improved issues.
I concede that
some people are just plain bone bad and evil to the core however; most of us
are tired humans trying to survive this messed up planet and life we are given.
We try and find some meaning for why we are here and for what we endure while
we are here but in the end I really do not think any of us have a flipping’
I hear people
blame disasters on unrepentant sinners, homosexuals, and any numbers of things
to give some reason for ‘shit happens’. But let’s face it, shit does happen! I
mean why do some people get to be born in trash dumps, live their live there
and die there? Why are some people born into pain, live in pain and die in
pain? Are they bad? Did they do something so horrible before birth that they
have to pay? Did their parents or grandparents do something so bad that they
have to pay? I have heard that people are cursed into several generations for
what their ancestors might have done. Does that seem right? I have heard that
we should never question God because He has a plan and we are too stupid to get
it or that if we follow certain rituals of prayer and deliverance we can
overcome those curses. Truthfully I have never seen anyone really overcome much
of anything. I have only seen people survive and keep going or die trying.
Do I sound
cynical? Well, probably… sigh. I spent a huge part of my life trying to survive
a God who never seemed to interfere ‘when shit happened’. It was suppose to
make me stronger or something in the end. Do I feel ripped off? No, not really
because I always knew that my faith only had the strength to carry me through
not deliver me from. I am convinced that the God of the Christian churches is
not the same Creator of all. Why do I think that? Well because if He is then He
is always changing his mind about things, always upset at us and really has
very little forgiveness in him. He requires a lot of ritual and hoopla and he
closes his eyes to the sin he is suppose to oppose. The God of the Christian
churches demands perfection while claiming he does not expect that from us. He claims
to have created us in perfection only for us to be imperfect. He is a ton of
Then we are taught
that there is light and dark, good and evil, them and us. So who is them and
who is us? You know the good guys and the bad guys? Let’s see… there are the
Christians who have said the sinners prayer, ‘Good guys?’ and those who have
not…’Bad guys?’ Hummm, so let’s see where that leaves us. Are the bad guys
anyone who is not a professed Christian? Are the bad guys the demons, illuminati,
all other religions, non-believers, homosexuals, etc, etc? Ok, I have known
Christians who do some pretty horrible things however, since they are
Christians I guess they are exempt and all the rest are in trouble. Oh yeah all
the others will burn forever in the dark recesses of hell. Oh, man I forgot the
Jews..They are chosen so that means they are exempt from being that bad guys as
well. So let’s get this straight. The good guys are Christians and Jews and the
bad guys are everyone else. As long as you do what you do in the name of Christ
I guess that makes it ok. Sin can then be subjective. So I guess that is why
all the guys on TBN can do what they do and still be the good guys. So I guess
hating and blaming Muslims and homosexuals for all our problems is ok if you do
it in the name of Christ. Killing them is probably ok too, If you do it in the
name of Christ. So I guess forgiveness is subjective as well?
I have heard that
this country was founded on Christian principles. That may be true but are they
the principles of the Creator? The Masons believe in the supreme architect and
they also believe in serving a supreme God and they also worship other gods.
They founded this country and dedicated it to those gods from the very
beginning. They did not make it a secret, they did it is plain sight however;
most professing Christians refuse to see the blatantly phallic and esoteric symbols
all over every government building in this country, especially in Washington D.C.
on our flag, our money, our state seal. They really believe that this country
went bad when the Ten Commandments were taken down and prayer was stopped in schools.
They talk about the good old days but were they really good? Or were those days
just part of the illusion. Maybe bad people did not seem so bad then because
they hid it better. Now bad is all in plain sight. Hey, maybe that is the
problem, what you do not see cannot be there.
If this is a
Christian nation then we need to really rethink what being a Christian is. I am
sure Christ the Savior would not approve of what we have had here from the
beginning. All I know is that my whole life has been filled with contradictions
and they have all centered on religion and God. Maybe the Creator of all is not
who you think He is. Maybe we have all been lied to from the beginning. Maybe
if we dare we need to reach deep down into our souls and cry out for Him to
reveal the truth of who He is to us and to show us the errors of our ways. Then
we might need to learn to forgive all the people who duped us over and over in
their own ignorance.
Maybe I am as
wrong as a person can be. Maybe I am one of the bad guys. Maybe I am onto some
truth. Maybe just a small piece but some truth just the same. All I know is
that I have never found a God worth serving in a church. I have found Him in my
own small corner crying out from the depths of my soul.
Will He forgive me
my unbelief? Will He forgive me my questions? Will he forgive me for being
human? Will He forgive me for denying my Christian roots? Will He forgive me
for questioning the bible as being all His words? Will He forgive me while I learn
to forgive?
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