Monday, September 19, 2011

Need Prayers...

Truthfully I am a mess..
My marriage of almost 22 years is done. Not sure what I am going to do at this point but taking it one step and breath at a time.
My PO box will be good until further notice...
All I can say is 'They' won this round. I guess not losing most of my kids was not enough.
However, even though I am broke, with no job history worth anything, and almost 54, I am thinking I can not get much lower. So, maybe this means I can come back up. I just need to figure out how, where and what to do with my life.

If any of you believe in prayers and I know a lot of you do. Then please send some my way.

Many thanks,


Trish Daniel said...

Judy! Prayers sis! let's catch up... darkest just before the dawn, The Lord loves you... me too!

Anneli said...

Dear Judy, I am praying for YOU!!! Much love to you, precious sister!!! Our Father will bring you through this also.

Anonymous said...

Judy, praying for you sis! The prayer warriors are out! We all love you and especially our Father!


Duh News Scooper said...

Keeping you in prayer Judy- Love you sis!



The Lord hears you sis and he will guard your life because you are devoted to him. Lift up your soul and call to him because it is he that will answer you. We walk in his truth and ask him to give us an undivided heart that we may fear only his name. His love for you is great and he will deliver you from the depths of the grave. xxx Keeping you in our prayers xxx

smalls said...

You'll be in mine.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Judy,

I've been thinking a great deal about you!! You've been on my mind a lot and then I spoke with Amber for awhile tonight. I remembered your blog and wanted to write you. I wanted to make sure you know that I love you a lot and care about you a great deal. I know I can't help, but I wanted to let your know I'm here- even so far away!!

- Sam

Lee in Tn said...

Praying for you Sister Judy! Trust in His plans...

The Lord is good.


Judy said...

Sam please do not believe everything Amber tells you. I am not sure why she is doing this...mostly she is mad at Sunny. She told Andrew horrible things about Sunny and really tore him up. My life feels like it is spinning out of control right now..but please let me talk to Grandma... I do not what my mom hurt!!! I know you understand. I love you and thank you for caring!
Aunt Judy

I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under I will explain on that b...