OK... so have I made a few of you uncomfortable?
Are you unsure about me now? Did I make you upset or mad? If I made you feel anything at all by my last post then please take the time to figure out why?
I wrote it to make you really think about what you believe and why you believe it.
Now with saying that I have to say this...
Yes there are definitives and absolutes...
One plus one always makes two... evil is evil... period and not much argument about that.
Love is amazing and hate can be destructive...etc... I am not here to argue about any of that. Mostly I want you all to really search within and think why you believe certain things and why you choose not to... no right or wrong answer as this is not a trick question.
I remember as a child seeing so much evil and hearing so many lies. I knew deep within my heart that murder was bad... child abuse was bad... hurting other people was bad. I knew these things to be absolutes... no argument in my soul about it.
I think the thing I am having so much trouble with now is all I heard at the pulpit being preached when I was a child and seeing those same satanists doing horrible things at rituals after hours. They also did horrible things just because they were evil and like being evil. I was often taken out of church during services to used and abused by the elders, the deacons, the people who were suppose to be serving God.
I also went to many churches after I left home and saw a lot of the same corruption and heard the same sermons preached. As a child I heard curses being flung out over the people in their 'tongue' language. I heard the same tongues being spoken at the churches who practice this belief in speaking out in 'tongues'. I tried to tell them what they were saying were curses but I was pushed aside and told I was the one being used by the 'enemy' to upset the flow of the 'spirit'.
I tried to warn people about the so-called anointed men of God .... I was told that they were Gods anointed but maybe they just got off course a little...and so excuses are always made for them. I was told I was going to be cursed for coming against these charlatans....I have been told I was the deceived one. How could these people be satanists? The Holy Spirit always flows in their meetings....sigh....??????
Who am I to argue? After all everyone knows the bible better then I do, especially these so -called 'anointed' ones. So if you choose not to believe me.... that is your right. And I have the right not not believe you. You have your definitives and absolutes and I have mine.
I do not attend any church anymore...and now I am being told I am wrong because I am forsaking assembling with my fellow ' Christians'. No... I do not think so but since I am not following protocol I am surly going to hell... backsliding... or whatever. Your absolute?
One thing I am sure about....my absolute... I can not go back into a church and join in. My assembling will have to be over the phone with believers across the country or by e-mail etc. I can not do the church thing anymore... it is too painful and it goes against what I know to be true. I do not believe in some building or membership or some preacher, etc.
OK , so.... I have been pondering a lot on the things I learned as a child. In church and out. It did a lot of damage to me no doubt. My family would be appalled at me lack of belief in most things religious. Especially the fact that I do not speak in 'tongues' anymore. I can not and be true to what I know in my heart.
I feel like a shell shocked person who went through the war.
I know 'your' church is different... I have heard this over and over...I am glad for you but I promise if I went there it would not be different for me.
So... we can argue absolutes and we can decided we are on opposite sides... or we can choose to love each other because of our differences. You can believe I am wrong...but you can also pray for me. You can also choose to love me anyway... but just do not try and convince me you have all the answers. I sure don't have them.
Now any comments????
A place in an ever constant state of change.... as I am always changing, growing and learning. Thank you for stopping in. New Motto: If life gives you crap, make compost and grow a garden!
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I am closing down this blog
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Yes of course. I Love You!! That is my absolute for You this day. :)
i feel what you are saying about the dead churches - i have attended a few and felt nothing but rote memorized emptiness while they all act the part of holiness and martyrdom. i was led to a church when i landed in MS. This church is inside a jail where i have felt the true presence of the Holy Spirit moreso than anywhere. Imagine that - God chose a jail for His church. i think this fact supports more questions of your definitives and absolutes while growing our faith in Him...
Judy, I just didn't want to see you slip away like so many others and someone we both know and love. So many casualities in this war. You'll make it. You've survived this far. We're all vunerable to being knocked down for awhile. Of course not wanting to have anything to do with any churches is understandable with your background. You don't have to go to a building to fellowship with other believers. I should know as I haven't attended a church service since 1973. But mainly because of health issues. A lot of us have a crazy abnormal background but Jesus accepts us just as well as "the normal folks" if there are any. Of all the gifts God gives is love is the greatest. I'll keep praying for you. You do the same for me.
I so love your honesty Judy. It is for GOOD reason that you do not go to church. I have not had such a background, but my ABSOLUTES on why I will never "go" to church are for several reasons. The first being Spirit told me 15 years ago to COME OUT OF HER and I did just that. And According to my own reading of scriptures that seemed to contradict the whole church structure also haunted me during those years of "going" to church. According to scripture one is to have a word, a song, etc as something we all participate in. NOT SO with church. The early Christians also broke bread and met in each others homes as well. Jesus also modeled to us what TRUE church life was like in the daily interaction he had among his disciples and those who followed Him. A also saw in my searching scripture that the "church" with its four walls and top down structure is patterned after the world system which we are called to come out of, thus we know it as the religious system, whatever religion it takes on including Christianity.
If you are being shunned and told you need to assemble with those who are not only doing their evil as you have been exposed to and pointed out in detail, but because those aren't true assemblies. It's because they are either deceived or LIARS. WHEREVER two or more of His own are gather together is the assembly, ekklesia, etc. Not only that but He does not dwell in structures made by hands. WE are His dwelling place. WE are the church, ie called out ones where in Him we live, move and have our being.
I know you know this, but I am sure there are those who read your blog who may be ignorant to these absolutes.
I am not saying there aren't true brothers and sisters in Jesus in these evil and false assemblies, just pointed out the absolutes as I have been personally shown.
I apologize for such a long comment, but this is something I too am very passionate about because of how rejected and so un- Christlike that most I was exposed to along with how false the whole set up really is. I had more love and acceptance from the world than those calling themselves "Christians." I would leave much more empty then when I went in.
Agape and Peace to and your household,
Linda Rose
I so love your honesty Judy. It is for GOOD reason that you do not go to church. I have not had such a background, but my ABSOLUTES on why I will never "go" to church are for several reasons. The first being Spirit told me 15 years ago to COME OUT OF HER and I did just that. And According to my own reading of scriptures that seemed to contradict the whole church structure also haunted me during those years of "going" to church.
According to scripture one is to have a word, a song, etc as something we all participate in. NOT SO with church. The early Christians also broke bread and met in each others homes as well. Jesus also modeled to us what TRUE church life was like in the daily interaction he had among his disciples and those who followed Him.
A also saw in my searching scripture that the "church" with its four walls and top down structure is patterned after the world system which we are called to come out of, thus we know it as the religious system, whatever religion it takes on including Christianity.
I to am very passionate about the whole "going to church" mentality. I was exposed to so many un-Christ like individuals where you dare not share your weaknesses. Most I encountered were also like plastic and I was becoming just like them. I felt much worse coming out then when I went in and got much better treatment from the unchurched and world than from those I thought were my spiritual family.
..to be continued
If you are being shunned and told you need to assemble with those who are not only doing their evil as you have been exposed to and pointed out in detail, but because those aren't true assemblies. It's because they are wither deceived or LIARS. WHEREVER two or more of His own are gather together is the assembly, ekklesia, etc. Not only that but He does not dwell in structures but WE are His dwelling place. WE are the church, ie called out ones where in Him we live, move and have our being.
I know you know this, but I am sure there are those who read your blog may be ignorant to these absolutes.
I am not saying there aren't true brothers and sisters in Jesus in these evil and false assemblies, just pointed out the absolutes as I have been personally shown.
when Spirit led me out that is when I finally began to grow and as learning what it meant to count your cost and be REAL. Again I so apologize for being long winded. I couldn't stop myself on this one.
Agape and the Peace of Christ to you and your household,
Linda Rose
heya sis! LOVE YOU!
so many of us have found we just can't hang in the false churches..
but we get to hang with HIM!
I love you all as well!!! Many thanks for the comments and for the caring!
You all bless me soooo much!
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