Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Absolutes....

My Absolutes and Definitives

I figured that since I took the time to write the last two posts I needed to make clear what are my absolutes...

I absolutely believe in and love my Heavenly Father who is the Creator of everything. I believe He has a plan for my life and that He is in control of what happens in my life. I know I have choices but since He already knows what those choices will be He has planned my life accordingly...that may sound naive but that is what I absolutely believe way down deep in my heart.

I believe in and love my Savior Jesus Christ. I believe He is the son of my Heavenly Father conceived by the Holy Spirit of God, born of a virgin and came as a man. He lived as a man and died as a man, only He lived a sinless life and was sacrificed for my sins. He conquered death and rose again and sits by the right hand of my Heavenly Father. Do I understand all of this? no... I can not even conceive how anyone could love me enough to die for me...but I know I can go to the Father through the Son and ask forgiveness and know I will receive it.

I know that demons are afraid of the name and power of Jesus and run away...the real Jesus not some fake Jesus that most religions claim. I believe that anyone who seeks Him will find him... and I also believe He knows who those people are. He calls out to His own and they hear His voice. No matter where they are, what culture they live in or what religion they belong to. His people hear His voice and come to Him. He never loses one of His own.

Thus, if you are truly His you can not backslide and be lost. If you belong to Him you might mess up and have a crazy journey but ultimately you are there and you will want to follow Him and serve Him and do the right thing in loving one another and caring for the poor, the hungry, the lost etc.... You will emulate Him because that is the way you are wired.

You will not be and can not be perfect but you will always strive to do the right thing and when you do not do the right thing, you will have a conscious and seek help in correcting the wrongs you do. You will always strive to do what is right and not want to hurt others etc. The Father puts a moral code in our very being and as His children can not escape it as it is part of who we are.

The ones who are not His do not have that in them. He says he has created vessels for good and for evil... another words we are all created for His purposes. Odds are if you are reading this and you are not his, you will not ever feel anything about hurting others or will justify it to yourself. You will not care about the consequences of your actions on others and the means will always justify the ends for you. I really pity you.

I am no preacher and no bible scholar... I am just a believer. I have hung on to that belief all my life and I know that is what has saved me and given me strength to survive this planet. I knew Him before I knew who He was, He put that in me before I was conceived... He was in my heart from the beginning. He is... and that I know way down deep. He is not a feeling...He is. That is all I can say.

Do you want scriptures to back up what I just wrote? Well they are there but writing them will not change what I already know. If you are His you already know it as well.

Now here is an interesting/good post from Gentle Shepherd and I will close today with that...

Much love through the real Jesus Christ,

(Luke 8:18))
In Luke 8:18 Jesus admonished people to beware of how they hear something. The truth is, people hear from three different premises. Some hear according to what will benefit them. Others hear according to what will serve their agendas. The final way to hear is from the premise of truth.
My friend, Jeannette, lost the use of much of her voice in 1995. The loss of her voice has a name. It is a condition called Spasmodic Dysphonia. This condition is when the muscles of the vocal cords experience spasms that actually cause breaks in the voice.
Jeannette’s struggle showed me how much we take speech for granted. In Jeannette’s great efforts to speak, she often struggles to get the right amount of air to say a vowel or a word. She even had to go to a speech therapist to relearn how to say certain letters.
It was also interesting to watch people’s reaction to her. Some became impatient with her, others treated her as if she was deaf and dumb, and some even acted afraid of her. After all, we communicate with our voice, and who has time to figure out something when a person cannot communicate in the way we are used to?
However, effective communication involves listening. It not only takes time to really listen to someone, but people must learn how to listen. In our fast-paced society, most people do not have the patience to listen. As a result, they are not able to discern, relate to, enter in, or really know what they are agreeing with. In fact, most people only hear what they want to hear.
It is important to remember that if you hear something from the perspective of what will benefit you, you will often overlook that which will enslave or entrap you. If you hear according to personal agendas, you will adjust your reality, causing yourself to become deluded.
Thought: It is important to remember we only hear half of what we want to hear, and can totally become deaf when it comes to what we don’t want to take heed to.

I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under www.multijlsworld.blogspot.com I will explain on that b...