I read this devotion from Gentle Shepherd Ministries this morning and felt very inclined to share it.
In a world that lack so much accountability and integrity I think this is a timely reading and something for each of us to search our hearts about.
I know in my walk of life on this planet I have always reaped what I sowed and have had to stand accountable many times for the things I have done be it good or bad. I always try and weigh the decisions I make and the things I do with how it might effect my life and others around me down the road. But that has not always insured I did the right thing. I have had to eat my words and beg forgiveness many times for thoughtless actions and blind mistakes.
But one thing I do have a very hard time with is dealing with other people who refuse to take responsibility for their lives. They spend the better part of their lives always blaming others for the mistakes they choose to make and never feel the need to apologize or seek forgiveness. They seem to live in anger and self pity always playing the victim. But that is my pet peeve....
Anyway here is the devotion...I pray it touches you as it did me this morning....
Love & prayers,
(1 Kings 11:4)
When we consider what God wants to accomplish in the landscape of our hearts, we can begin to see how He wants to bring forth perfection of heart. Such maturity points to integrity. According to 1 Kings 9:4, we know that King David had a heart that possessed integrity. It was always being fine-tuned and lined up to the ways of righteousness. Granted, he blew it, but because of his heart, he could also humble himself and owe up to the deviant ways of his character.
The problem for most people is accountability. They do not seem to possess the character to take the necessary responsibility for their personal conduct. For example, have you ever noticed how people want privileges and rights, but they do not want the responsibilities that go along with such opportunities? The reality of privileges and rights is that in essence they are opportunities to prove the level of a person’s character to see if he or she is responsible enough to handle such liberties. If people are not responsible, then privileges can be revoked and rights can be rescinded until they become matured enough to properly handle such opportunities.
Personal character just does not automatically happen. It is forged as people go against the natural preference of the self-life. Sometimes it takes everything in a person to go against the natural preference, especially since it is not going to feel good to the flesh, feed the ego of pride or justify compromise, complacency and irresponsibility.
Over the years I have learned that character or integrity is a choice. I must choose what is right in order to ensure that character is forged in my character. It is easy to speak of what is right, but it takes great fortitude to not become a coward when faced with the not-so-pleasant choices of taking a stand for what is right and showing proper discipline when needed.
For Solomon, we are told that when he was old, his wives turned away his heart after other gods. As a result, he did not end up with a perfect heart. Clearly, Solomon in his latter years did not have the resolve to withstand the unholy influences in his life. It would do us well to partake of the precious nuggets of Solomon’s wisdom, by the harsh lessons of his old age.
Thought: It is easy to show great zeal towards what is right when young, and discretion when more mature, but the true test of our character will come when we are older. We need to make sure that we have wisely established ourselves in the ways of discretion and righteousness to ensure that we are not taken out by the tides of the insidious, zealous indiscretions of our past.
©2010 Rayola Kelley, Gentle Shepherd Ministries. Permission is granted for
non-commercial (free) distribution provided this notice appears.
Questions or comments welcome. Email: ministry@gentleshepherd.com
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