Monday, June 21, 2010


I have been thinking a lot about the big oil blow out in the gulf. I am sure you all have had that on your minds as well.

There are a lot of theories out there about how it happened and why and I have my own theories but this is not about theories....what I want to write about is about facts.

And the biggest fact of all is our gulf is toast along with most if not all of the coasts along the gulf. Then you have the what if and when will it start pouring out unto the Atlantic? What will happen then?

I have thought a lot about how this is effecting the people who live along that coast. People who have tourist businesses, fishing businesses, family businesses... regular people just trying to get by. I am not talking about the gambling industry and big businesses although they employ a lot of regular people who will be out of work very soon.

I have heard talk about mass evacuations... and that may be... but even if it is not so how are any of these people going to live? No income means, no income. That means more foreclosures, more homeless and more hungry. That means people will have to leave... not because anyone tells them to but because it will be necessary. People have to be able to feed their families.

What should be our response to all of this?
Well maybe those of us who are not on the coast and who are breathing and have something... well maybe we need to be praying and seeking the Father on who and how we can help when the time comes. A lot of Lambs will be displaced and coming our way. Are we going to turn our backs and look away or are we going to hold out our hands and help? Maybe the Father has a plan to send some of His own to us. Maybe we are to show His compassion and do as He leads. It should always be as HE leads....but remember all lambs are not always dressed and look like we think they should be. They can come in many shapes, sizes and colors....

Our planet is changing by the minute so I think that means we should be as well. We have responsibilities to show compassion and help others.

This also means that if you are a displaced person you have a responsibility as well. You are responsible to show gratitude for those who show you compassion. To work when you can to help those who help you, by chipping in whenever and where ever is needed. To not freeload... to not take advantage, to not expect anyone to give you anything and to be grateful to the Father for providing when they do.
We are all in this together and we all need to remember .....we need each other.

Be wise and prudent always seeking the Father for discernment... so we will not waste our resources on tares but to use them wisely on Lambs for His glory.

Love & Prayers,

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I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under I will explain on that b...