Monday, April 26, 2010

When your Enemy is your Friend.....

Nobody likes to be accused of things they have not done. Nobody likes to be betrayed by someone whom they considered a friend. Nobody likes to be hurt by a family member whom they are suppose to be able to trust.
If you fall into any of these categories then this message might be for you.

This is out of a devotional book called 'The word for you today' and that is all I know about it however, I thought it was another worth passing on message....

So this is for all of you out there who have been hurt, betrayed and abused.

When your enemy is your friend...

There's no pain like betrayal and none of us are exempt.The Psalmist laminated " My best friend, the one I trusted...has turned against me" Ps.41:9 NLT . The truth is, God allows certain people into our lives to facilitate His purposes- even ones like Judas whom Jesus called 'Friend' and said," Do what you came for." Before Jesus was betrayed He told all the disciples, 'I know whom I have chosen...that scripture my be fulfilled.", " He who eats bread with me has lifted up his heel against me." Jn 13:18 NKJV .
He could have fulfilled His destiny without John the beloved disciple, or impetuous Peter who was always ready to defend him, but it was Judas' kiss of betrayal that ushered Him into His destiny.

So you can't always avoid getting hurt, however; God can give you the grace to reevaluate the situation and realize that the person you thought was your enemy, was a friend in disguise. God will never permit His plans for us to be sabotaged by somebody else's actions. When you're under His shield of protection He will allow your Judas to go only so far and no further. As a child of God His purposes govern how much damage others can do to you. Once you understand that, it lessens the fear that stems from getting involved again when you have been burned.

The Psalmist said: "It was good for me to be afflicted, so that I might learn your decrees." Ps 119:71 NIV. God Loves to turn our negatives into positives and while none of us enjoys suffering, it takes us to levels of understanding that, left to our own devices we would never reach.

So I hope this little devotional blessed you like it did me....
Love & Prayers,


Linda L. said...

A difficult lesson to learn.

Trish Daniel said...


Anonymous said...

Judy wanted to make you aware of a blog that I believe you might appreciate. Written by someone who frequents the forum I run.

I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under I will explain on that b...