Yeah....even I can be humbled now and then... please read on...
Love & Prayers,
"As The Hammer Falls"
-Bryan Hupperts (Apr 9, 2004).
Exhausted from a night's work, I sat down on my living room
couch and fell asleep. In my mind's eye, I saw a hammer
in the far, distant sky. At first, it seemed to be a mere
speck but as I watched, I saw it begin to grow in size and
began a ramming speed run towards earth.
All around me I became aware of people speaking in their
private thoughts many bitter angry accusations and
lamentations. As if a collective fist of rage were joined
together shaking towards the sky, I began to hear
accusations such as, "God, how could you?" and "Why God, why?"
My own heart betrayed me even as I worshipped God; deep
inside I heard myself accuse also accuse him with, "Why
has my life been so hard? Why have I wrestled with illness
for so long? Where is the healing you promised? I lay
hands on the sick and& nothing. Where is your promise,
O Lord God? Did you lie? Have you forgotten your promises to me?"
I was deeply ashamed of the flood of accusations that
flowed from the secret place of my heart. And then I
realized that my inner thoughts were louder in heaven
than my spoken words.
I looked up and the hammer had grown larger and began to
fill the sky. A moaning chorus of human lament and rage
spiraled in a choir of accusations against the Most High.
"My husband left me and it YOUR fault, God. "
"My business is not prospering. I gave money, 10 percent
and more. Where is the blessing you promised?"
Then it occurred to me that these were Christians making
these accusations!
Voices of unbelievers chimed in agreeing with the accusing
saints. "If you're so good, why is there war and disease?
Why did my father molest me? Why did my car break
down on my way to the interview? I needed that job. Curse you, O God!"
As the swell of accusations rose to crescendo in fever
pitch, I repented of the evil intent of my heart and was
forgiven. The shadow of the hammer now covered the
earth and filled the sky. It came swiftly, menacingly as
I imagined the mythical hammer of the Norse demon god
Thor would fall. Destruction seemed certain.
I began to cry out to people, "The hammer of God is
coming. It is going to fall. Judgment is swift and sure!"
But my voice was drowned out in dirge of lament and
accusation that went up from the earth.
And the hammer filled the whole sky and grew larger and
larger until it seemed we were but a tack under a large
sledgehammer about to be mercilessly crushed. And I
heard a voice rumbling like thunder say, "Behold, my Judgment!"
And then the hammer was suddenly very small in the
hands of a man in the attire of an ancient soldier. He raised
it up to an iron spike and began to nail it into the hand/wrist
of a bleeding, groaning man on a Cross. The hammer of
God began to fall in judgment on him!
I awoke shaken with wonder. Colossians 1:20 and 2:14
flashed through my mind. "By Him to reconcile all things to
Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven,
having made peace through the blood of His cross... Having
wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against
us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the
way, having nailed it to the cross."
The hammer of God's righteous and swift Judgment did fall
on our substitute sacrificial lamb, Jesus! May this blessed
truth comfort you who have come to saving faith in Christ.
1Thess 5:9, "For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to
obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ!"
-Bryan Hupperts © 2004
SheepTrax Media
PO Box 270256
St. Louis, MO 63127 USA
Copyright © 2004 Bryan Hupperts. Permission to distribute
this material via email, or individual copies, is automatically
granted on the condition it will be used for non-commercial
purposes and will not be sold.
A place in an ever constant state of change.... as I am always changing, growing and learning. Thank you for stopping in. New Motto: If life gives you crap, make compost and grow a garden!
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Thanks for sharing that.
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