As you all know my struggles is always with truth verses all the lies I was taught to believe...My walk with the Creator may not be pretty but it is real and about as raw as it can get.
One thing I have discovered in this walk is that truth seems to always be hidden in plain sight through layers of fear and conditioning. Peeling off those layers is painful and at times tedious but very necessary if you want to be free from bondage.
Since I have been writing this blog and doing interviews many layers have peeled of this ol girl... and with the many that have peeled there always seem to be more that needs peeling. I am beginning to see how this is a life long process... and how it is always an individual process for each of us.
Another thing I am beginning to understand is that truth can be found only within ourselves through the Creator of All. Oh, we might gleam some gem from others as it will resonate within our spirits as truth, however I really believe HE speaks to our spirits directly. HIS truth is planted in our DNA and as we seek the Real Christ... who is within us... I think that opens up our DNA of spiritual truth.
You know I prayed a while back that I wanted truth even if it killed me... I know a few other who dared to pray that also. Anyway what I am seeing is this.... it is killing me... it is killing the parts of me that has kept me separated from my Creator and kept me in fear and bondage most of my life. I am also discovering that there is a whole lot more in me that needs to die away....and that with each thing that dies a little more of me is set free to be what the Creator intended when He created me in the first place.
But then there is this part of me that tries to resist all the tearing away... lets face it, even that bad parts of us is at least familiar and at the most comfortable. Maybe not good, maybe not right and mostly makes us feel like crap... but it is familiar and isn't that the reason most of us resist change? The fear of the unknown?
But in saying all of that... I want truth and freedom more then I want the comfort of familiar. Because in my life it has not been all that comforting... only confusing and full of bondage.
Maybe my DNA is waking up? Maybe that is what has been resisting the system of things all along....thus the always questioning Judy...
Peace & Love,
Now here is a bit of a on...
(Luke 9:53-56)
The biggest semicolon in God’s presentation is the concept of spirit. Something is always motivating us. What motivates us is unseen, but its influences will eventually become obvious to those who encounter us. Even though what we may end up pursuing does not look inappropriate or wrong, the fruits of it may leave a bitter taste in the mouth of those who come in contact with you.
What spirit are you of is not an afterthought, but a complete challenge that will connect a person to environment, attitude and fruits. Peter’s overzealous enthusiasm to rebuke Jesus for speaking of His death would seem reasonable enough to the hearer or reader; however; Jesus turned around reciprocated as well as exposed who was behind Peter’s rebuke (Matthew 16:21-23). When James and John were ready to call fire from heaven down on the Samaritans, it seemed like a logical conclusion, but Jesus stated they did not know what spirit they were of. He had not come to destroy men, but to save them.
Judas’ confession of his betrayal of an innocent man (Jesus) seemed noble enough. However, the religious leaders had no intention of receiving his confession; therefore, he went out in despair and hung himself (Matthew 27:1-8).
The spirit behind these men may have been unseen, but the fruits that often stand by themselves have a common connection because of the spirit in operation. Separation at such points not only calls for a pause to consider what would follow as to the possible results of our actions, but it must make the right connection to ensure the integrity of how someone responds, interprets or handles a matter.
O ur examples in the previous paragraphs show us how limited and narrow our understanding can be about a matter. When we do consider it, there is usually a self-serving or critical spirit behind our critique or criticism of it. In such cases the semicolon is missing or there has been a failure to examine what the real spirit or motivation is behind us.
Is God trying to put a semicolon in your life when it comes to separation from the unholy, making connections to conditions or identifying the spirit behind your fruits and activities? It would serve each of us well if we would truly find the common ground with what is not seen, can be conveniently ignored, and what might not be convenient or popular.
Prayer: Lord, You try to use semicolons in our lives, but we often refuse to see the connection between such matters. Lord, help us to see Your punctuation in matters so that we can understand it, then make the right connection and come out with the right conclusion. Amen.
©2010 Rayola Kelley, Gentle Shepherd Ministries. Permission is granted for non-commercial (free) distribution provided this notice appears.
Questions or comments welcome. Email:
A place in an ever constant state of change.... as I am always changing, growing and learning. Thank you for stopping in. New Motto: If life gives you crap, make compost and grow a garden!
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1 comment:
This is indeed excellent food for thought. What does drive our actions? WOW--sure makes me stop and think about my own reactions to the stress and challenges that we all seem to be facing right now. I fail miserably it seems. Thanks Judy as always for letting the Holy Spirit guide you in your posts. A wonderful lesson.
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