I am posting a very though provoking devotion from Gentle Shepherd today...
Since I often think I am the only one out here ( my flesh thing again)... this kind of puts things in perspective..
Love & Prayers,
(Isaiah 66:1)
Considering God’s universe has been an eye opener to me. In the beginning, as a young child, I perceived myself as the center of the universe, while in my teenage years, I saw myself as the master of my world. Years later I realize how small I was in my thinking and how foolish I became in my teenage years.
Life has a way of proving that regardless of how smart, strong or wise we see ourselves, we really are being deluded by arrogance. When I think that earth is nothing but a small “pale blue dot” in its galaxy, it causes me to realize how small my world is in comparison. Even though I flatter myself into thinking I am in control of my small world, the truth of the matter is I am unable to control it. There are forces greater than me that influence the world I live in.
This Scripture in Isaiah brings out God’s perspective about heaven, the earth and man. We are told that earth is God’s footstool. Such a thought proves to be incredible. How big God must be for the earth to simply serve as His footstool upon which He can rest. The other amazing consideration is that heaven is His throne, and a believer serves as His temple or dwelling place. His throne is related to His sovereignty as God, His footstool to His kingship, and His temple to the presence of His Spirit.
God’s majesty is brought out even more when we consider how He chose earth (His footstool) in the vastness of the universe to put man (His temple) in a perfect environment. His purpose for this was to have fellowship with His creation as a means to enjoy it. Obviously, one aspect of His creation (the universe) speaks of His power and glory, while the other aspect of His creation (earth) speaks of His heart’s desire to be in communion or agreement with that which He has created.
The video “The Privileged Planet,” explains how everything about earth was designed to maintain life, as well as see into the window of the universe. Clearly, everything about creation declares there is a Creator, who is not only intelligent, but He gave the necessary intelligence to man to explore beyond this world to discover His greatness and glory.
We will be seeing how the various dots found in creation are quite important to God. In fact, He was the one who put these dots in their places. Although man may consider all that God has done as being common, the fact that God is behind it sets it apart and makes it important.
Prayer: Lord, we tend to overlook what is important to You because we do not know Your person or heart. However, Lord I know that every insignificant dot has a purpose. Thank You for Your dots. Amen.
©2008 Rayola Kelley, Gentle Shepherd Ministries. Permission is granted for
non-commercial (free) distribution provided this notice appears.
Questions or comments welcome. Email: ministry@gentleshepherd.com
A place in an ever constant state of change.... as I am always changing, growing and learning. Thank you for stopping in. New Motto: If life gives you crap, make compost and grow a garden!
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I am closing down this blog
Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under www.multijlsworld.blogspot.com I will explain on that b...
I know a lot of you are really praying for me... I see a small light at the end of this dark tunnel. I am through ranting...I am feeling a...
So its been awhile since I have written a post. But that is nothing new for me these days as I just don't seem to think I have anything...
I first noticed your blogspot while surfing the Internet for information about the death of Oral Roberts. I don't know if you'd appreciate this but...I've written an entire online "book" ("Wolves n Sheep's Clothing") about the whole business of hidden satanists, occultism, and abuse in the Evangelical and Charismatic church culture. Feel free to browse through or read through some of it: themurkynews.blogspot.com
God bless you!
Matt TwoFour
Thank you Matt for telling me about your blog... I will try and read it as I have time...I am very interested in what you have written..looks like a very good blog.
GOD Bless
Speaking of the hidden things, I invite all to Google "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty" and "Pretrib Rapture Diehards." Shocks!
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