I Have been seeking a lot of things in my heart as of late....I have even started a list called...What if ?....
I write down random thoughts as questions. Questions I hope to be answered.
I talk a lot to the Creator... does He listen? Is He interested? Who is HE ? I wonder.... does this thing called my life really matter? Is there really a purpose for me to be here? Do I have a destiny on this planet?
Several people have written me and asked the same question.... WHY????
What is the point in all the pain we and others have had to suffer in this life?
I have heard most of the pat answers and that is what I usually tell them. You know .... that man has a free will and all of that stuff. But I always feel so lame in my response to these questions.
In truth? I really do not understand... I can not begin to understand the whys and ways of GOD and what this mess is really all about. What I do know is this....
As long as I am alive I know that I have to do the best I can as a human and a child of the Most High to help as many on this journey we call life as I can. I know I am to do what is right in my heart to the best of my abilities to honor the Most High. I know that I am accountable for what I do or do not do in this life and I am only accountable for me... no one else. When my life is over no matter where I end up I want to know I did the best I could to honor my Heavenly Father with what He had allowed me to have and that my life has made someone elses life better for what I had to share.
We all have something to share... something to give... something to do. Nothing is too small or too little... be it a smile, hug or a meal. When we give anything it is never too small, unless you do not give it in love. There is the key... it has to be given in love.
Maybe that is all we are here for...to love one another. Maybe that is what the love of GOD is all about. To just love one another...
Until later,
(Job 40:1-5)
Have you ever been amazed at how arrogant personal understanding can be towards the matters of eternity? Such understanding often determines what we conclude truth or reality to be. We manage to get the best case together we can about a personal situation. We come up with what we perceive to be an airtight presentation. In our mind there is no way we can be wrong about what we perceive to be right or true.
For Job, he was not only in a fight for his life, but he was in a debate about what he understood or knew about God. Even though nothing made sense, he had to cling to what he knew about the character and ways of God. When he came to the end of the debate, God stepped on the scene. He asked Job if he was the one who instructed Him. God did not have to give an answer for His being or ways to mere man, but man would give an account to Him.
At the end of personal understanding is the awareness that God is beyond any personal understanding, debate or conclusion. God is eternal. Can the finite mind of man possibly comprehend that which has no beginning, is unseen or can’t be marked by any change or ending? The answer is no, but each of us can get glimpses into the orderly, perfect ways of that which is eternal. It is the glimpses into the eternal that puts what is known and understood into perspective.
I have learned each New Year that if I do not gain insight into the eternal, that my world will become very small and tormenting indeed. There is absolutely no hope that can be found in the age we live in. All of civilization and creation is teetering on the brink of destruction. If I cannot see above this present age to see that in the end justice will prevail, good will reign, and holiness will be established as the indubitable standard that will silence all skeptics, I would only be able to conclude that each of us are truly the most miserable of all creatures.
Prayer: Lord, as I meditate upon all matters of Your creation, I must conclude there is no hope or purpose outside of You. Give me greater glimpses into Your heavenly reality. Amen
©2008 Rayola Kelley, Gentle Shepherd Ministries. Permission is granted for
non-commercial (free) distribution provided this notice appears.
Questions or comments welcome. Email: ministry@gentleshepherd.com
A place in an ever constant state of change.... as I am always changing, growing and learning. Thank you for stopping in. New Motto: If life gives you crap, make compost and grow a garden!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
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1 comment:
I think you've nailed it, Judy.
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