Friday, January 29, 2010

A Poem

A Poem

This is what is going on,
This is what is.
Where am I going?
Where have I been?
It seems my life is a jumble of things,
It seems that my life is a puzzle.
How can I help when I can’t grasp the problem?
How can I heal when I can’t grasp the problem?
Is healing for real or only an illusion?
Is healing for here or only for another place?
I hear the cries of those who are hurting.
I hear the pleas of those in pain.
My heart reaches out and it aches to help,
But how can I help when I can’t grasp the problem?
Is healing for real or only an illusion?
I cry to the Creator of All and pray….
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
What is Thy will? What is heaven?
Are we to ask? Are we to know?
What I think at times is that this might be hell.
But then I hold an innocent baby, I watch a beautiful sunset, I hear a child’s laugh, and I rub a soft kitten against my cheek….
And I know this cannot be hell, hell is the end… this is a beginning.
As painful as this life may be...
This life is a beginning… a beginning of forever, where ever that ever might be.
And I know…
That what we do in this life will effect where we spend forever. Even if forever means we cease to exist.
I do not want to leave this life with only regrets and pain left to others.
I want to leave a legacy of love and forgiveness.
And even if I do not totally grasp the problem,
I know part of the solution is to follow this code.
Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.
Give love and you will get love…
Give pain and you will reap pain…
So where ever I have been and where ever I am going…
No matter how jumbled my life may seem…
I can still love…
And that is a good thing…

By Multijudy


Anonymous said...

Sweet Jesus, that is one lovely poem! And so full of truth I just ache in my heart and in my bones. Thank you, Judy

Judy said...

Thank you my friend!!!

May God the Creator bless you in amazing ways...


I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under I will explain on that b...