Friday, November 20, 2009

Been Thinking....

This is a very tricky time of year for us survivors out there to say the least, so I thought I might share some of the struggles I have getting through it.

It seems that although I love the changing of the seasons, especially in the fall with the colorful foliage and such there is always an underlying dread as the fall days roll into winter.

On top of that I have a birthday in December that always throws a challenge in with the mix.

During the fall months approaching winter, passing Halloween,winter solstice, Christmas etc.... well it can be rough. This is the time of year when rituals were hard and heavy for us survivors of the satanic system and it seems that in spite of our faith body memories, flashbacks and just plain uneasiness can creep in and stop us in our tracks at times.

I always want to think that this will be the year when I will be over all of that and sail right on through with out even a whimper. But alas... it has not happened for me yet.

Does that mean I am a failure in the faith? Does that mean I have backslid into unbelief and fear? No I don't think so. While I do feel uneasiness and moody and at time downright angry pushing into what feel likes a mini meltdown I do not believe I have failed somehow and given into any major fear. I am human, period. I have survived trauma that most can not imagine and in spite of my faith, my mind and body often seem to have memories and feelings I can not control.

I know for a fact that anyone who survives from any kind of trauma has these feelings at times and struggles to get through them as best they can. We are still in these heavy flesh bodies and because of that, the weight of past sin can still effect us in sometimes major or minor ways. It is not because we have failed somehow or because we have lost our faith, it is only because we are human. And although the Father has healed me in many wondrous ways I am still a pretty scared and damaged human hope is in that He loves me anyway and will see me through the process called life and use me in spite of all my brokenness.

Another thing I do know as I walk through these hard times during the year, is that it reminds me how much my Father and Savior have delivered from. I might have to deal with and feel the collateral damage of days past but I am not living there anymore. I am free....and even if my mind and body seem to forget that at times... my spirit knows it is true and that gives me the faith and strength to push on through.

So please do not beat yourselves up out there if you are having a rough time of it. You really are not alone. Not only do us other survivors understand and walk this same walk, the Father understands as well and He is walking right beside you holding you up at times when you are too weak to go on.

Remember all it takes is a small grain of faith the size of a mustard seed to know He is always there and has your back covered. Think about small is a mustard seed? Pretty small, so we do not have to have big faith to stand.... only a little seed.

Love and prayer for all of you out there....



Maureen said...

Judy: I stumbled across your blog. I have read some of your story. Just wanted to say praise God that He saved you and delivered you. There is so much evil in the world today. The worst is that which is committed against children. I pray you will continue to know His healing. God bless you.

A sister in Christ

Anonymous said...

Hello Judy,

I read your blog the other day, and I just did not have the words to give to you, or words to encourage you with at that moment. I so wanted to write something...but the words just would not come to me then.

Truth being to told, your faith and courage amaze me.

I know that you said not to do that...that is, to think that you are some perfect person or saint to admire, but truely your faith and your healing (and Zephs too) makes me marvel at Gods wonderful love for his children.

(I found your blog via Zephs podcasts etc.)

The words did not come at that moment......However......I was just reading an article, and your post came to my mind. I think this article just might be sent from God.....via a fellow traveler on this planet with you. Here is the link, please read it when you get a moment.

Grace and Peace to you from Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


Anonymous said...

OOPS....Forgot to leave the link....silly me.....

Donna (again)

Judy said...

Maureen And Donna,
A big, huge thanks for writing me and for your encouragement...
It means soooo much to me. I know I always seem to be saying that but it is true, with every note from believers out there like you two I am always encouraged.
Thanks for the link was a very good sermon and full of a lot of wisdom as well...

Blessings to you both.
In Christ,

Trish Daniel said...

you are a blessing sis!


Anonymous said...

The "mustard seed". WOW. How many times I have read this scripture and somehow it didn't sink in, the enormity of what it is saying. Thank you dear sis, HE isn't requiring much of us is He? Just a tiny mustard seed. What encouragement you give in these trying times. Praise our Father for you. Love, Sandy

I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under I will explain on that b...