Something to share Part III
Sometimes I can get so annoyed at people…. Such a shocker!
HA! The thing is why do so many people work so hard to try and cause trouble
and dissension everywhere they go?
I know you have all met those dissension stirrers. They come
is all shapes, colors, sizes and religions. It seems their lives are not
complete and happy until they have everyone around them upset and confused. They
spend their lives upsetting people and causing drama everywhere they go. They
will even lie if they have to just to get something going. They never give
anything unless they get a bonus return and with serious strings attached.
Mostly they manipulate people to do their bidding and fund their causes with
condensation and false guilt. I have found them to be huge liars as lying is
their biggest form of manipulation. The thing is because they lie so much they
often get confused about what they told last and when you point this out to
them they get defensive and angry and work even harder to turn it around on
their next victim which is probably you, if you were the one to dare contradict
them in any way.
If they happen to claim to be Christians you are really in
trouble because then they will use scripture and GOD as a way to blast everyone
around them into submission. I cannot count how many times I have heard ‘Christians’
blame GOD for all the horrible things they do because they claim ‘God’ told
them. So in their minds all is well and ok no matter how many they hurt and how
many lives they destroy along the way. I sure can see how people can walk away
from God if all they have reference too are these people as examples!!!
They are constantly picking splinters out of others eyes
ignoring the huge beams in their own. According to them they are the holy and
Godly and doing the work of the Lord. What God and what Lord are the questions
I always wonder about. Now I have to admit some of them do not even claim to be
doing anything for God...They just like stirring crap and starting trouble and
are a little easier to handle in my opinion. AT least they leave God out of it!
So how do we deal with these kinds of people? Well
truthfully I find it hard to even pray for them. Mostly I try and avoid them
and not give them food to feed their addictions to dissention. If I am the
target I usually try and think of it as ‘well at least they are giving someone
else a break!’ If my conscious is clear with my Maker I usually just blow them
off and consider the source. I am still trying to figure out how to pray for
them and not feel creepy inside about it, however. I hate to admit it but some
people just do not seem worth the time or energy for my prayers. Am I wrong
about that? I might be but that is honestly how I feel. Are there any ideas out
there about this? I am always open for suggestions.
Guess you know what I
have been dealing with lately…Thanks for listening….
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