Sunday, June 10, 2012

Still hanging in there...

I feel like a gypsy these days. Five moves in five years is way too much for these tired bones. Anyway back in Texas and a lot of things learned in my five years in Arkansas. I am hoping to start a series of writings about my time in Arkansas but I have to say it has been very hard to even begin to write about all I learned and experienced while I was there. A lot of pain and a lot of life lessons but I guess most of all there were things I needed to learn, things I needed to grow up too and things I needed to pitch out of my life.

One thing I do know is the past few weeks I have felt as if I have been in recovery mode. The months I spent in MT. View took a huge spiritual toll on me. I can not remember when I have fought so much negative spiritual entities and negativism, period. I left there with my spirit seriously beat up and my mind in shut down. I am just now starting to try and come up out of that darkness.

One thing I do know is that if I had not had so much prayer cover by a lot of you all out there I would have been sunk for sure. So by the Father's grace and strength I will try and begin writing about my journey the last five years.

I feel as if I lost part of myself and I am praying that by writting again maybe I can find what feels so lost and begin to heal what is broken.

Again I say thank you all and GOD bless you all for the encouragement and prayers these past years. I know that is was love and faith of you real believers out there that has helped push me on and kept me on the path. I know the Lord used you all greatly to help this sister in her walk.

Love & prayers Always!


1 comment:

smalls said...

God bless.

I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under I will explain on that b...