Thursday, December 29, 2011

I dedicate this to my Dear Brothers and Sisters!!!

I would like to dedicate this last posting for the year 2011 to all of those out there who are true people of the faith. I would also like to say a special thanks to those brothers and sisters who really follow the call to the best of their ability, strength and resources. I would also like to tell everyone about a few of them because they represent us all.

My first dedication is to a sister who is forever quick to listen, pray, give and encourage. She has a few physical difficulties but she is always ready to lend a hand, be it cleaning a house, putting in a garden or rescuing wayward cats and dogs. She is amazing I love her a lot and she has been one of my dearest friends for many years.

Next is a brother who has many physical challenges. He too is always ready to give, ready to pray and ready to encourage. He has even been known to put blankets on the street people who have no homes or beds. Most times he is in such pain all he can do is lie down and pray, but he does what he can. He has been one of my dearest friends for many years and I love him a lot.

Next is a sister who went on to be with the Lord a few months back. She finished the race and no doubt she was welcomed in the Father’s arms with a resound “Job Well done my daughter.” I miss her very much. She was always quick to listen, quick to pray and quick to encourage. She was my dear friend for many years and I loved her a lot.

Next is a dear sister who has always known when to send me a card of encouragement in the mail. It is like she has a radar for knowing when I need a lift. She spends much time in prayer not only for me but many others. She gives when she can financially but mostly she gives her heart. She has been my dear sister for many years and I love her a lot.

I have another brother who deals physically with a lot of pain. He has spent the last few years tending to aging parents and making their last days as comfortable as possible. He recently lost his mom and is now alone as his dad passed a few years back. I have known him many years and he has always been faithful to pray for me, encourage me and has even sent a few special gifts that I have cherished, as they came from his heart. He has been one of my dearest friends for years and I love him a lot.

I have a brother who ministers to people in jail. He prays and encourages and is so very talented. He is an artist on canvas and in the garden. He spreads beauty where ever he goes. He has been my dear brother for years and I love him a lot.

I have a sister who creates beautiful quilts and sends them all over to bless people and encourage them to go one more day and to let them know how special they are to GOD. She puts her prayers and love in every stitch and expects nothing in return. Her joy is in the creating and giving. I have not known her as long as the rest but she is my dear sister and I love her a lot.

I have another wonderful sister who lives across the world from me. She too always knows when I need an encouraging word or when I have a special need. She is quick to respond, to give and to pray. I have not known her long either but she is my dear sister and I love her a lot.

I have one sister who sent me cookies when I was down and many more who sent me cards and emails. I have other brothers who have sent me cards and emails and have blessed me with the prayers, friendship and helped me financially when they could and I love them all a lot.

I have an adopted mom who has blessed me many times with herbs and such to get me well. She has sent books to renew my spirit and offered many prayers in my behalf. She is also my sister and I love her a lot.

I have a brother and sister who took a chance on me and let me tell my story on the airwaves. They always encouraged me, prayed for me and believed in me. They sent me cards and helped me financially at times when I needed it. They are my brother and sister and I love them dearly.

There are many more, so many more I cannot even begin to write them all down, but the few things we all have in common? We have never met in person, we all love the Lord and we all are in this together. It does not matter if we are rich, poor, fat, skinny, sick, white, black, red or green. It does not matter if we have been in jail or if we have been anywhere at all. It does not matter if we are having a good day or bad or if we just want to cry. We are all brothers and sisters in the spirit and we all matter to the Father. Every little thing we do for others in love, we do for HIM.

The past several years when I came out with my story and told the Lord I would follow Him where ever it took me I had no idea what I was saying. But even though it has been rough at best and so very painful at most I would not trade this journey for anything. I would not have met any of you if I did not decide to follow the call and speak out on that radio show with Zeph Daniel so many years ago. I had no idea then where it would take me and I sure did not see me being here but it has been worth it all the way.

My journey is far from over. I have no idea where I will be even next month. I could not do this without you all. I do know with all of you behind me and believe you me I can hear your cheers and prayers and feel your love all the way, I know it is you all following the Father and through you He is pushing me on. Through the faithfulness of all you dear brothers and sisters, through the faithfulness of our Creator through his Son Jesus Christ I will stay the course. I will keep on, keeping on… for the ones who cannot physically and for the ones who need a voice, but mostly for HIM. MY Lord and SAVIOR!!! Jesus Christ! I will continue until HE calls me home and says “daughter, job well done!”

You all are my dear brothers and sisters and I love you a lot!!!

Your humble sister in the faith,

Love and Prayers Always!!!


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