Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Big Move

Well the big move is this weekend...I have managed to either give away ( mostly) most of my things and sell a few things.
This has been hard and challenging but liberating!!!
I am beginning to wonder if I am doing anyone a favor by giving them my stuff. I have decided that more is just more.... traveling light is a better deal.

Anyway I have no idea how or what is next but I am hanging in there.

I will have no plumbing, will use an outhouse and have no washing machine... but so far I think I can
deal with all of that. I am already used to a wood stove. Not looking forward to freezing temps when hauling water for me and my critters but I should get in shape in any case.

My brother and sister- in- law have been great and they have everything down to a fine art. I am no wimp so here I go! : )

Once again thanks for the prayers and support!
What a wonderful bunch of brothers and sisters I have out there!!

Until later,


Trish Daniel said...

hope things are going well... traveling light... stay warm and safe sis!

Anneli said...

I continue to pray for you, Judy. Peace to you.

I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under I will explain on that b...