Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Yeah, I am still around...

Hello All….

It has been a while has it not? I am sure I have lost a lot of my blog followers in the last several months as I have not posted anything in so long.
Truthfully I have not had a lot to say and I figure as I have said many times before if I do not have anything worth saying then I need to be quiet. You all get enough people out there rambling just to hear their selves ramble.

I have undergone quite a lot of changes this past year. My dad past away a few months ago and I had to deal with all the stuff that went with losing a parent who was not only a perpetrator and abuser, but also just decide if I wanted to go the his funeral. I didn’t. I forgave my dad but I still had a lot of unresolved issues none the less. One thing I am beginning to see is that some people we just need to stay away from especially at times, toxic family members. I think a lot of people keep contact out of guilt or that old Christian garbage of honoring your parents and family ties. Not that honoring your parents is a bad thing but in some cases it is just not possible and sometimes even dangerous.

I admit that sometimes I get weary. I miss my kids and grandkids I do not see, I wish for a more normal existence, whatever that is? I do try and create a life here with what I have been blessed with, my husband, my few children who do see me and talk to me and the few grandkids I have contact with. I enjoy my animals and my humble attempts at gardening. I also have a small job caring for an older couple and cleaning their house. Right now I signed up for on-line graphic art classes only because I needed the outlet and a way to keep my mind sharp and functioning. I also wanted to finish that degree I started so long ago. Will I get a great job and go places because of it? On this planet it is very doubtful but I have decided I needed a serious distraction from all the death doomsday stuff. It might seem frivolous taking classes but people we have to live. We cannot curl up and die because some people out there insist we give up life because doomsday is at our feet or the ‘rapture’ is imminent. I am wondering if maybe a lot of these people are just getting off being prophets of doom. They give no hope and only criticism to anyone who is not supporting them or trying to have any kind of life away from all the doomsday crap.

Now I am not saying it is wrong to prepare for possible disasters however; even with the best preps who can predict when and where disaster will strike? Ask all those people whose towns have been wiped out this year.

I am beginning to think that shit happens in spite of what we do or do not do. All I can say is we need to stay close to our Creator. Form a relationship with Him. All praying is, is talking to the Creator. I do realize that the rain and sun fall and shine on the good and bad. Disasters are no respecter of persons. I am beginning to think it is not even a personal thing. I mean how many people do you think were praying when any of those killer tornados were hitting towns? Or how many people so you think were praying when the flood waters were and are rising? Or how many people do you think were praying when they saw a tsunami coming at them? Do you honestly think all those people were so bad they deserved what they got? Then why are we still here? Personally I am not that good of a person. I am human with faults and all. Anytime I get spared a disaster I feel very blessed and know my time could come next. I do not take it personal when disaster strikes I just figure it is what happens when you live on this changing planet. If I die I die. I am not looking to die but it happens. That is why I decided to live this life as best I can in the most positive way I can. God did not give us a life to throw it away or hoard it. We all need to find something we love to do and do it. Use our talents. Help others when we can and just be kind to people weather they deserve it or not. Check on your neighbors, open a door for someone and pass on a smile. Volunteer at a hospital, nursing home and animal shelter, whatever…. Find something you can give of yourself and find something that makes you smile.
Go fishing, go hiking or go for a short walk in the park. Bake a cake, fly a kite, or take those classes you have wanted to take. Paint a picture; soak in a nice bath, read a good book or call a friend and chat. Sew a quilt or do some cross-stitch, maybe even put together a puzzle. I promise you disasters will happen and probably to all of us. But do not live for the disasters that will happen sometime or another, live for your life that you have been given now.

I think we will be judged in this life for what we wasted more than for anything else. So do not waste a precious moment of the life you have been given.
Whatever moves your heart, get at it!!! The Creator did not put us here to wait for death and doomsday. He put us here to LIVE!!!! And living is loving, caring, forgiving, using the talents we have and enjoying the beauty of this planet. I promise you there still is a lot of beauty left.

Well that is my lecture today. If you want to piss the enemy off…then live your life and enjoy what you have of it!
Love & Prayers,


smalls said...

Nice to hear from you again. And thanks for the reminder.

God bless.

Antbrother said...

So good to hear from you friend and it is so good to hear the passion in your words. LIVE! and as Jesus said - more abundantly because of Him in us. Yes! i haven't found myself waiting on the next disaster but i have found some days of introspective searching. We prayed with a man this morning that survived the EF5 that decimated a local town in May and he gave a great testimony of how prayer kept them safe in the storm. The rest of the building they were in was gone, except for the shipping department where six people were praying as the storm came over.
Your post helps me on more than one level as i have also been wanting to draw more again and it has been a few years since i've jumped back into it. Thank you for your encouragement. Looking forward to seeing some more of your beautiful work, and as always sharing some more garden stories with you. i missed you.

Love and Blessings to you sister.
Walking the God's Garden,

~ antbrother

Judy said...

Thank Smalls and Ant brother!!!
I love you both!!

Prayer Warrior said...

Hi Judy! I agree!! I came to the same conclusion and realize that it isn't healthy to sit and twiddle my thumbs waiting for the end, etc....that's depressing. The Creator brought a daughter into my life. Debbie came out of a severe abusive background and even some satanic ritual abuse and sexual abuse. I love her very much. I hope you get to meet her some day!

Prayer Warrior said...

Oops, I forgot to add, that instead of focusing on the end tiems, God has me spend time with someone who needs my love! Debbie needs my love and to know that God loves her.

I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under www.multijlsworld.blogspot.com I will explain on that b...