You know when I was a kid I guess I never really thought about what I would be or what I would do when I grew up. I spent so much energy on just surviving that any future endeavors just did not enter my mind other then getting away from home.
I know I loved babies and my dolls were always a source of friendship and comfort so maybe the mommy thing was the biggest ambition on my plate. In any case there was never any mention of college or anything at all for that matter. My mom did mention now and then that I ought to marry a rich man; however that did not happen...HA! Money and material things were never a huge deal to me. I was always the more nature kind of girl.
The best memories of my childhood were the times before I was seven, in the summers going to visit my maternal grandparents. I loved them very much and do not have any painful memories attached to those few weeks in the summer we went to see them. I always considered those visits a respite from real life.
I guess now as a 53 year old grandmother I have the desire myself to make those kind of memories and become that kind of safe haven for my grandchildren. But I guess that is not meant to be. Seems like life never turns out like we plan or think it should, because if I ever had any hopes and dreams of my future it would have been spending my middle age years and late years with my children and grandchildren visiting from time to time and making wonderful memories.
Maybe that is one of the great American dreams??? This planet is so jacked up who can say what is normal anymore on any level. I often hear myself say things I heard my elders say when I was a much younger person. I know I often though how shell shocked my grandpa much have felt to enter the twentieth century and see so many changes come so quickly. But now I am seeing that all for myself. There are so many changes coming from the twentieth century into the twenty-first century that I cannot keep up and some of those changes really un-nerve me.
One of the biggest changes is how people interact with each other. My grandkids have no idea how to write a letter or a thank you note, things WE were taught in school. They can text but cannot spell. They can play X-box but cannot build a tree house or play using their imaginations. They think it is punishment to have to go outside. I remember it being punishment to stay inside!!! They want in all adult conversations…I wanted to be far away from any adult conversations. All the dolls on the toy isles look like some kind of creepy aliens or worse yet badly dressed hookers…no more real life baby dolls or innocence. All the boys’ toys seem to have something to do with violence, or the supernatural. The toys have to talk, walk and do just about everything but encourage kids to use their imaginations.
Childhood is lost to this generation I fear and so are positive family connections. I read all the time in the news where kids just kill their parents or grandparents if they try and discipline them or dare to say no and just last night I heard on the radio where a mother shot and killed her two children because they would not listen to her.
As crazy as my childhood was I am beginning to think it was preferable to what I am seeing now. They tend to be bunch of programmed robots with no feelings for others or concepts of positive social contacts, and no sense of humanity. They are the results of the perfect mind control society. And this society is big on keeping family ties very limited. Isolate and control.
Makes me what to belong to some pigmy tribe or some Eskimo tribe way out there somewhere away from so much technology and at a place where you have to work together as a unit to even survive. That place where family connections are important to survival and where a sense of community is a must. I wonder, does that even exist out there anymore?
I do not think the Creator, designed us to live like we are living on this planet. He sure did not design us to be alone and He did design the family unit because He deemed that very important and a huge part of community. He gave us communication skills to where we could really look into each other’s eyes and communicate via talk and He gave is the ability to do critical thinking and work together using our various talents and abilities to make this a better, safe planet for each other.
I think we have lost all if not most of those abilities. Normal survival responses are gone in most cases. Parents cannot discern much of any of the overt dangers that are plaguing their children anymore. It is much easier to hand them a phone or let them sit in front of a mind controlling game or movie then to really take the time to teach them right from wrong, real communication, compassion, humanity. Those things take time and patients. Those things take creativity because our society does not deal in those things anymore and you will be condemned on many sides for your time and effort. However, as a parent is that not what we are called to do?
I am not saying I did all the great in raising my kids. I was a bad parent at best. I did my best I guess I can say considering what I knew but none the less I was not what I would deem a good parent. I loved my kids and I tried to teach them concepts of manners, humanity and community in that there were always others worse off than us and we have a responsibility to help them when we can. I tried to teach them right from wrong and to use critical thinking, don’t just follow the crowd. Mostly I tried to give them a sense of their Creator and His Son our Savior Jesus Christ. I tried to instill that faith in something much bigger then themselves and how they were responsible for the choices they made in their lives but when they did screw up they always had the choice to get back up and start over and that faith in HIM would help them get back up and try again. I always advocated to them to NEVER give up!!!! Giving up is not an option on this planet as long as we breath as we have an advocate, in the Savior and HE will never leave us or forsake us.
Now did any of that take? Maybe… I am praying it did. Since I do not know how to text, communication is very limited. HA!
So as of late this is what I have been contemplating. My heart has been hurting for the loss of my grandchildren’s innocence and childhood and I am hurting for the loss of my children in missing those things in their children.
I once told my mom ‘I will not make your mistakes, I will make my own.’ And I did, in droves; however I can see that my own children will not make my mistakes either… they are making their own. As terrifying as it is, there is nothing I can do but pray. And so pray I will do and hope that the Creator of all intervenes quickly before all the children are lost eternally.
HE says HE never loses one of his own so I am praying that HE still has some of His own in this generation of lost, mind controlled children and their parents.
That is my hope. My only hope… for such a lost planet.
A place in an ever constant state of change.... as I am always changing, growing and learning. Thank you for stopping in. New Motto: If life gives you crap, make compost and grow a garden!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
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I am closing down this blog
Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under I will explain on that b...
I know a lot of you are really praying for me... I see a small light at the end of this dark tunnel. I am through ranting...I am feeling a...
So its been awhile since I have written a post. But that is nothing new for me these days as I just don't seem to think I have anything...
aww Judy! good observations about our increasingly technology driven child raising and etc...
but just think.. if i couldn't use my computer to read your blog i couldn't make this comment..!
I LOVE YOU SIS! Father still has His Hand on it all! God bless you and i hope to catch up soon on the phone sis!
p.s. (i hear you)!
Amen Sis. I had a rare lightbulb moment the other day, while thinking on the same-the pain that I see my granddaughter go through. Then it occurred to me, she knows that she needs Jesus, would she know that without her pain??? I don't know. Our generation is so inundated with "escapism", i.e. the games, phones, etc all the electronic "junk" that seems to "think for us," instead of us meditating on Father, listening to the Spirit. You and I both know that the enemy has certainly given us lots of "toys, entertainment etc to keep us from seeing reality. well, just a few thoughts. Love you Sis, keep on keeping on, this blog is wonderfully inspiring.
Stand Strong! The Bible says that all of the promises of God are for us today according to the new covenant we have in Jesus.
"For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us." (1 Corinthians 1:20)
Stand on the promises of God. His hand is STRONG! This is a promise for you.
"But thus saith the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children." (Isaiah 49:25)
There is a story from when I worked on a prayer line that may encourage you. A woman called in telling me that her daughter had disowned her and that they had not had communication in years. Talk about rejection! Her daughter had a child and if I remember correctly, this woman had yet to meet her own granddaughter. She called to ask me to pray for the restoration of their relationship. I prayed with her. The next week, she called back in with a praise report. It was the weekend after we prayed that her daughter showed up at her church! They talked, they cried, their relationship was restored, and she wanted me to know about it. That's the power of God. Turn over time from prayer to answer--about 48 hours.
Thanks for sharing Judy and i guess it took this long to respond to your post. i was watching my sons b-ball game today and sad that the family life that i wanted so much never happened, it fell apart and now i have little say in the raising and time spent with my children.
The Lord told me that these losses of the heart that we go through on earth will be healed and renewed in Heaven. i take His Word on this and yes, i pray that the mind control and TV/gaming/poisoning of our children and family will be healed in Heaven.
i feel there is a chance we will experience the beauty of family and community in this life but only after everything is removed and we experience the world turned upside down. There is a glimmer of hope there. In the meantime, we are salt and light for the walking dead and i for one will have my hands in the soil tending Fathers Garden. Come walk with me and lets smell the flowers and listen to the songs of the birds.
Love You,
~ antbrother
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