Definitives and Absolutes ?
What goes up does not always come down.
What goes in does not always come out and what goes out does not always go back in .
What may seem right can sometimes be wrong and what may seem wrong can sometimes be right.
Ones truth can be someone else's lie...
What looks good can sometimes be bad, just as what looks bad can sometimes be good.
You can not define God in religion...religion is how we define ourselves and that is always subject to change.
Every ones truth and reality is defined by the perimeters in which they live and if those perimeters change you then change your reality and what you perceive to be truth.
So, what is reality? Is there any such thing as reality? What is truth?
Is there any such thing as definitives and absolutes?
I have heard many, many people tell me you can know God by reading the bible because He inspired man to write it for Him.... Oh? Which version? How many times have you heard someone say.. " God spoke to me in His word" but when you read that same thing you got a very different message? Does that mean they are wrong or you are wrong? Does it mean God is confused?
Can we really know God? Can we really know anyone? I can know some things about others but that does not make me an expert on them... same with God.
So back to definitives and absolutes...
Can you definitively know anything? Can you absolutely know anything? What may be your truth can be someone else's lie, etc.
I know a few things only because it rings true in my spirit....but that does not mean it rings true in you. We all have to find our own truths... seek our own paths...we can share what we learn and encourage others but can we really tell someone else what to believe? Can we really say in all absolutes that we are 100% right and everyone else is wrong?
I have been so sure about some things only to find out later I was wrong. I missed a lot of chances to learn from others because I was so sure they were wrong and I was right.
I was taught that God never changes...He is always the same. If that is true then why did He create everything to change? There is not a thing on this planet or in the universe that is not subject to change... even the bible tells us that place called Heaven has had a few changes in the past. Maybe God does change... maybe that is the one thing that defines God and our relationship with Him... change.
So what is truth? Truth is defined by our own reality and how we perceive it. So how can anyone have absolute truth, especially about God?
As I was contemplating all of this today I was siting up on the mountain looking at all the beautiful changing colors through a light mist... I wrote this poem and I will close this post with that...
The mist is so fine I can hardly perceive it is there...
The coolness of the air, the veil floating past my vision.
The colors change and so do I...So do I.
Briefly the mist caresses my face with its cool fingers of silk...
Briefly the colors scream out in orgasmic intensity, shocking my senses...
only to be gone in a flash.
I often wonder was it really there at all?
Am I really here at all?
Is this reality or only a flicker of a dream...
If it is a dream then to whom does this dream belong?
I try and absorb all those colors deep into my soul...
I try and absorb the silkiness of the mist as it caresses my skin.
But I know...
As soon as I close my eyes it will be gone...
Until the next time I cross over into its reality and be allowed to share for a brief
moment, hopefully...
Once again... that piece of somewhere.
Judy Rutledge
A place in an ever constant state of change.... as I am always changing, growing and learning. Thank you for stopping in. New Motto: If life gives you crap, make compost and grow a garden!
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Incredible poem, thank you, Judy!
You said some real mind bending stuff that I have myself contemplated as far as absolutes and truths. I know I have changed in areas I have held tightly to only to have Spirit say, now let it go and move on and grasp stuff I let go of that Spirit moved me deeply to lay hold of again.
It's the personal growing (changing) from faith to faith and from glory to glory that brings us closer to Abba's heart and will be done.
It's a hard lesson we need to learn to give each other the room to find their own way in Jesus, the Way, Truth and Life. Without bringing in our own personal revelation and truth we are in to lead even further down that narrow road.
Linda Rose
Linda Rose
"So what is truth? Truth is defined by our own reality and how we perceive it. So how can anyone have absolute truth, especially about God?"
Has God really said? Judy, dear friend you are falling into the age old trap of doubting God's Word. (Gen.3:1) Why is it we have absolutes in every area of physical life yet we think we can choose whatever we please for spiritual life? We live in an age of increasing relativism and tolerance of anything spiritual EXCEPT genuine Christianity. "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." Prov.16:25. In 1991 52% of "born again" church kids said there is no absolute truth. In 2002 that figure was 92%. Couple those statistics with the moral decline since then and you get an idea of what is really going on. New age spirituality is just old Babylon recycled for modern consumption.
I was saved when I was 16 or 17. This month I will be 60. (yikes!) I've had my share of spiritual crises since then but eventually reached the point where I had no doubt at all the entire Bible was true and know 100% where I will spend eternity. The process of dying is repulsive but the thought of "going home" is getting exiting to me the older I get. Religion is man made crap, or should I say Satan made? Christianity, The Way, or whatever you will call it is the ONLY spiritual experience I know of in which God does the initial seeking. All others are human's attempt at seeking God and they ALL rely on works. The Bible cannot be disproven. Science, archeology, and history all support it. As well as millions of dramatically changed lives that ONLY Jesus can do. Have you ever listened to the radio drama program Unshacked? I've been listening to Chuck Missler a lot in the past 2-3 years. He is adamant in saying the Bible can be proven to be true. It is so intricate in detail and continuity from so many "authors" that it could only have been created by someone outside of our time domain, God himself.
As for various versions they are all translations of the original texts that we have access to. So the differences are minor except for a few "perverted" versions that actually change important meanings. I know there is a lot of disagreements within the body of Christ. So many denominations. But this side of glory "we see through a glass darkly." I do believe with increased persecution we will see more unity with true believers as long as it doesn't compromise major doctrines of the Bible.
I've included one link to a short video by Ravi Zacharias. This man is so intellectual he goes over the head of some people. He is perhaps the greatest Christian apologist/philosopher of all time, certainly of our time. He gives your mind and spirit real food. He's on numerous "Christian" radio stations.
God will not reject anyone that wants to know him through Jesus the Messiah. Jesus said he is the ONLY way. That's why the true Jesus is so politically incorrect. He proved himself to be who he said he was. But he usually speaks to us today in a still small voice. Maybe that's one reason so few hear him today in our constant drone of noise.
Sorry for the long reply but I had to do it because I love my "sister." You of all people know how real Satan is. Don't let him fool you. And don't judge Christianity by looking at Christians. At best we are saved sinners.
Is there such a thing as absolute truth / universal truth?
What is truth?
Why the Bible? Ravi Zacharias at the University of Illinois
Aww Steven thay is why I love you are not afraid to stand up for what you belive and call someone you love when you see them running a-muck... I am trying to make a point with this post and you are getting it... I have not given up my faith I promise and I have not decided to fly into the winds of everything...
Much love always my brother...
Hey Sista,
Love the post and the spark ignited to get us searching deeper, earnestly searching to Know Him better. There is One Truth and you will Know to the core of every cell within you that He Is that One Truth. Yeshua walked me out.
Love and Blessings, ~ab
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