Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Some more of my rambeling thoughts....

Well I am still around....as you can see my blog is still up and going, just toned down a bit...

Feeling kind of wore out but plugging on....

It always seems that just when I think my life is going a bit smoothly something has to come along and throw a huge wrench in the works. Guess that is the way life is. A huge wrench grinding anything for the good to a halt.

I have heard from many of you out there that you are all are getting a lot of spiritual attacks from some places you did not expect them. I have also been hearing and noticing that people are crossing some sort of line. You know? The mean are meaner, stuff like that. It seems a lot of people are just plain losing their sense of compassion and heart for others. They seem to have no conscience about the things they do at all when it comes to hurting others and forgiveness does not seem to mean anything to them.

Yes, it really seems dark times are upon us here on planet earth. But then maybe it has always been dark with sporadic glimpses of light now and then.
This is a time when we really need to know where we are in the spiritual sense. And that my friends can even be a hard task when we are being bomb-barded with satanic arrows and deception is flowing out like water.

I am just starting to understand why King Davids cried out with groanings, questions and pleadings that he poured out in his Psalms.
I find myself more often then not doing those same things these days.

I wonder why I was spared and allowed to live when so many died. I wonder if anything I can possibly do ever effect or make a difference on this planet. Have I just been spinning my wheels in thinking anything can make a difference?

I have often said we need to love... we need to show compassion. I have often talked about forgiveness. I have often talked about giving of ourselves. I have often talked about faith and hope. All of these things are what I believe were created in us... that is if we are HIS... in that we belong to The CREATOR of the Universe. These are HIS gifts planted in our DNA and spirit.
I am starting to understand that not everyone on this planet are HIS. Many are the tares so often written about in the bible. They blend in and can not always be identified easily.

And if they are not HIS, these gifts will not be in them. If these gifts are not in them, then how can we expect those people to be anything other then the dark, rank, sad souls that they are? Yes, they will lack compassion. Yes, they will lack forgiveness. Yes they will hurt others without a thought.

The hard thing to deal with is that some of these people can be people we love... people we thought we could trust... people who claim to serve our GOD. They are like shape shifters and chameleon's changing to fit whatever environment they are in. They can stand at a pulpit, in a government office, even be sleeping in your bed. You might even have given birth to one or adopted one. They might be a sister or brother. They might even be a parent or grandparent.

So.....what if the only thing we can do on this planet is what HE has written in our hearts to do, give love, compassion and forgiveness. These gifts HE gave to us and placed in our DNA, in our hearts and in our spirits. What if that.... is why I am alive.... you are alive....we are still around?
What if we are to minister those things to the ones left with HIS DNA...to give them hope....to give each of them a little push toward HIS Light... and help them turn away from the darkness? Maybe we are here to let them know there are still a few of us around.

Just some thoughts....



Trish Daniel said...

yay Judy!
glad you are still blogging,you are such an encouragement to so many of us!

You HANG IN THERE with our PRECIOUS SAVIOR... your writing today...

"Yes, it really seems dark times are upon us here on planet earth. But then maybe it has always been dark with sporadic glimpses of light now and then."

reminded me of something Pastor Wurmbrand wrote, not going to quote it here, but yes, i think it's true...

The sun is coming out here after days of storming... Our Lord is Faithful! LOVE YOU GIRL!

Anonymous said...

Amen. You are a light in the darkness. Thank you. Love, S

I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under www.multijlsworld.blogspot.com I will explain on that b...