Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Good Morning to another day...

Lately I have been fighting it seems many dark nights of the soul. You know, where you wake up in the wee hours of the morning and it seems everything horrible you ever did rushes in to torment you in full force.

I start wondering about my very existence and if GOD can even love a spud like me. I feel about as flawed as any person on the planet and at those times can even understand why certain people in certain religions have the urge to punish themselves until they drawl blood.

One thing I have to say good about those awful nights is getting up and seeing the sunrise. As I go outside and fight the elements caring for my critters I get almost a sense of accomplishment in that I survived another night and am plowing on into another day.

My life might not have not been what I wanted or expected but it is what I have been given. For all the good and all the bad of it I am here. For some reason the Creator decided to put me here and so I am assuming He has a purpose even if in the most part I am clueless.

I struggle always in my relationship with my Heavenly Father only because I am sure I make it way more complicated then it needs to be. I admit I have not reached the stage in my life where I can always lay down in peace and just have blissful faith all the time. If any of you have reached that stage in your life please let me know. I would love to meet someone who has attained that.

I often struggle with the human in me... fighting the flesh is a full time war...and I do not always win over the flesh. But in my struggles I am finding a realness in my relationship with my Creator that I do not think I would have otherwise.

So with saying all of that here are two new devotions from Gentle Shepherd... they really touched home with me in a very big way and I suspect they will you all as well..

GOD Bless....



(Job 38:1-4)

Job is a man that I can often relate to. He struggled with the issues of life that do not make sense. He knew about God, yet understood that his present situation was eluding him. He understood spiritual matters in part, yet his present knowledge of such matters brought nothing but confusion and darkness to his soul. The final conclusion he had to come to was that he really did not understand.

It is vital that as believers we occasionally gain a true reality check about our part in the scheme of things. In reality, we are nothing, but our incredible Creator put a price on us when He redeemed us back from the hopeless state of death brought on by sin.

In considering how there are many galaxies that make up the unfolding universe before us, we must remember that even God’s creation cannot contain His power and glory. In light of such a perspective, we can only marvel at how our Creator would choose man out of all of creation to establish a relationship with Him. He would form him from insignificant dust to become a living vessel that could intimately interact with Him, as well as choosing him to house His Spirit, reflect His glory, and commune with Him.

When was the last time you considered your life in light of creation? Take time to consider creation, and then, remember how the Creator desires to have a personal, intimate relationship with you.

Prayer: Lord I am awed by Your creation, overwhelmed by Your greatness, and humbled by the incomprehensible reality that You actually desire a relationship with me. Lord, thank You for regarding me in spite of the vastness of Your beauty, works, and perfect ways. Amen.


(Isaiah 44:6)

When I start a new year, I meditate on the purpose for my existence. Why am I here in this place, at this time? Clearly, something cannot simply exist without a purpose or reason. Am I fulfilling my reason for being? There was a time in my quest to come to terms with the “whys” behind my existence when I rationalized that perhaps I must come to terms with my beginning. What marks my beginning: My actual conception in the womb or the beginning of all creation? Clearly, to understand the ending, I must start from the right beginning. After all, the beginning will line me up to the finished purpose or goal for my life.

This consideration in regards to the beginning of a matter brings each us to the big debate: Something had to be eternal to bring about a matter. Was energy eternal or is God eternal? Regardless of the debate, something had to initially exist in order for something to come forth. Life can only come out of life or that which possesses the source of life.

The other aspect of the debate can be clearly observed in creation. Everything in our universe is winding down including the energy that is present in our world. Granted, almost everything has a peak, but like the wind after hitting its peak or potential, it will digress downward into a place where it will cease altogether. Everything is digressing where it is subsiding into a state of ruin and decay. Therefore, such elements as energy could not be considered eternal or the substance behind all that we see. This is why the Bible’s record of creation is so incredible. It clearly states: “In the beginning, God...”

This simple statement found in Genesis 1:1 says it all. All matters of life, creation and purpose can be found in the reality of God. In Him everything existed that was, became and will become. The answer to my question was simple: my existence began with my Creator.

Thought: God is all inclusive. Everything stands completed in Him, whether in design or purpose, and it will all come forth to perfection in His timing.

©2008 Rayola Kelley, Gentle Shepherd Ministries. Permission is granted for
non-commercial (free) distribution provided this notice appears.


Questions or comments welcome. Email: ministry@gentleshepherd.com


gigi said...

Ah yes, the dark night of the soul!!!!! Then we wake up to a sunny new day and wonder "exactly why do my fingernails hurt so bad???" Hang on with all ya got Sister, mornin'is coming fast!

Anonymous said...

I hear you Sis, you must be quite a warrior or the enemy wouldn't be attacking you so. I just praise our Father for your blog, your friendship, and prayers, as others do as well am sure. Thanks for being there. Love, Sandy

Anonymous said...

Your post really touched me today and I appreciate your blog so much and thanks for your friendship. I was lying in bed last night asking the Lord about a similar question dealing with something I am struggling with and He gave me an image of an oyster producing a beautiful pearl as a result of an irritant getting into the layers of it's skin under the shell, it produces a secretion that builds over time into a luminescent beautiful pearl so it gave me comfort to look at difficult trials as kind of the layers of that pearl, that every tear shed from suffering is known to God and there is a beautiful reward in His Kingdom - you are a pearl of great price that Jesus died for and He loves you so much. He shows us in these beautiful reminders, sunshine and our pets and creation a small glimpse of eternity with Him at the end of the race so thank you for this encouragement and prayers for you!

Anonymous said...

Yes fighting the flesh is deffinately a full time war. I have lost way too many battles along the way. But I also feel that God alows me to continue to struggle for me to learn to depend on him fully, as I sure cannot do it on my own.

Judy said...

Thank you all once again for your insight and encouragement....yeah my fingernails hurt a bit..ha!
Guess I am in the making of an amazing pearl as you all as well... we are all pearl makers for the kingdom!!!! Yeah!!

Love & prayers,

Sista Judy

Trish Daniel said...

God certainly does love you.. :)

a quote by Thomas Jefferson that Zeph posted the other day on his facebook goes something like this...

'when you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.'

:) love you sis!

I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under www.multijlsworld.blogspot.com I will explain on that b...