Sunday, November 1, 2009

Continuing to rant..just a little bit, Part Two

I got a great link on the same note as my rant yesterday from a brother in the faith... it is very worth the read and on the same line....

He also has a great blog so you might just want to take the time to check it out while you are there.

I also have been thinking about what I wrote yesterday and I think I really need to clarify something about myself.

I grew up in the mess I ranted about. I believed the United States of America was the greatest country on this planet and was somehow superior. I did the pledge to the flag and sang the country worshipful patriotic songs. I bought the lie that we were something special and all the erstwhile blessings were our due. I felt very self righteous and full of national pride. I considered this 'Christian' nation somehow exempt from persecution and was suppose to lead the world the way to somewhere...never knowing just where. I did question at times but then felt guilty for that questioning and thought it was just because I was not right with God. I thought I just was not spiritual enought to really 'get' it.

So with saying all of that I have had to confess my sins and humble myself for the ignorant person I can be and have been many times. I am still a work in progress and therefore have not arrived in perfect knowledge and wisdom.
I am still fighting my way through all the muck of my past conditioning and it has been very painful.
It is hard to realize that everything I have ever been taught has been lies and delusion and that even now I have to repent often for continued ignorance I am finding in myself. I have to often check myself to make sure I am not switching self righteous coats and thinking I am all that, just because I have gleamed a bit of truth here and there.

But one thing I am finding out is that searching for truth is painful and comes with a price. You get no comfort zones in searching for truth. You also have more responsibility and accountability when you search for truth. It can be a heavy burden. Thank the Father I can cast my burdens on Him. If not for that I know I would sink in this world of grand delusions and muck....

So with that I am out of here for today...

Your sister in Christ who is always searching for truth and always being humbled by it....



Anonymous said...

Being in line with truth is an ongoing process. We cannot expect others to be where we are, or to have eyes opened to see. We each are in the ongoing process of santification, moving towards being more like Jesus and away from that which binds. It is easy to get angry at those who cannot see or recognize the lies that exist. Yet, God works with us all in his time. The things we deal with are what He has brought us to deal with at this time. We go through periods and seasons. Times of blessing, times of trial. Some people go through great abuse, some just the ups and downs of living in a fallen world. Yet, for all of us, it is growth. WHat I know today, I missed yesterday. Things I said in past missed a part of the picture. We all grow. None of us has arrived in full measure of truth. The question for each of us, is are we following the leading of the Holy Spirit and do we exhibit genuine response to God's remembered, revealed, reality.

Anonymous said...

As it is written,

Be ye angry and sin not...

We are all human, just like you are Judy, don't let your growth in the TRUTH bother you too much. Anger at being lied to is a part of all of our lives, you just happened to put it down in words for all to see. That shows truth to others, because they know that you feel as they do, thereby know that you are a true and righteous person.

Truly from my very heart, I know how you feel.

I always try to remind myself of that one little passage....."Be ye angry and sin not". If we sin, God is righteous and faithful to forgive us.

God knows we battle the flesh every day, but he givith more grace, and shows mercy to all those that love HIM.

Peace and Grace to you from Jesus Christ, Amen.


I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under I will explain on that b...