I do not know if I can write all the things that have been weighing on my mind as of late however, I feel as if I need to try and convey as much as I can.
I have been praying a lot about truth...the Father's truth not mans truth. As one of my dear sister's in the Lord always says to me...'Praying for the truth even if it kills me'. Well that is how I feel.
When I was doing the interview with Zeph a few days ago I remember talking about how Americans were always thinking they were so good and so self righteous. Like they deserved blessings and such even while they were killing unborn babies and destroying other countries and their children. Maybe not in exact words but something like that.
Anyway Zeph said something about how people came here for religious freedom and how blessed this country has always been and he might have just been looking for a response from me however, I think we got sidetracked and I really feel like I need to clarify what is on my heart about that line of thought.
What if this country was not founded as one nation under the one supreme GOD, the Creator??? What if that one god was a horrible luciferian government god? Lets think about this a little bit.
The founding father's of this country were masons....the establishment of this country was laid out on masonic principles with a layer of bible principles between the flaps.The whole of the Washington D.C. is laid out on a satanic grid and every government building in this country was build on cornerstones of masonic foundations.
The statue of Liberty is a goddess and the flag is loaded with satanic stars. The great seal is designed with luciferian trademarks and designs.
Even our money is covered with satanic symbols. So who is the 'In God we Trust' really referring too? Do you even think the real GOD the Father and Creator is a part of any of this?
OK, so now you might say 'What about all of the prosperity and freedoms we have enjoyed all these years in this country?' ' What about all of the churches on every corner?' Well lets just take a good hard look at that.
Yeah we have a lot to be thankful for in the country. We have an abundance of food...water....entertainment...and luxuries. We are so blessed.....
We are fat, lethargic, apathetic and greedy. We believe we do not deserve to hurt or experience pain of any kind so lets stayed drugged and entertained. We serve a god who endorses extreme self indulgence and greed and we believe that anyone who comes between our indulgences and greed should be branded a terrorist and shot.
The churches on all those corners are more concerned with numbers, money and entertainment and real sacrifice is not an option.Forget about tribulation of any kind, after all did not Jesus die so we could have it all?????
Do I sound harsh??? Well I mean too!!!!
All of the so-called third world nations that this country seems to look down upon are in a much better place then we have ever been here. They know that without true faith they would not be able to survive day to day. They know what a real relationship with the Father is all about. It is not about entertainment, money, houses, cars, greed etc. It is about breathing the breath of their very lives and depending on the Creator to do that.Their freedom does not come in form of a worldly government but in the freedom of the spirit that comes from true faith from the true Savior!
Have you ever thought that maybe all this religious self righteous christian religious stuff and all of this so called prosperity is nothing but an illusion?That maybe all the churches on all the corners, all the nice houses, cars, food, entertainment etc. is nothing but an illusion to get your focus off the true GOD... the true Savior.... the Truth Period????
What if this whole wonderful idea of the great USA is nothing but an illusion? The great Babylon? Maybe the GOD of the bible did not found this country at all....maybe it was the god of this world.
Do you really think the GOD of the bible is in this? Would He compromise so much? I think not! The enemy knows full well how to twist the WORD and use it for his benefit.
I could die in this country for what I just wrote. Call that freedom? And the ones who would hang me would probably be CHRISTIANS!!! But you know what? I do not care because my freedom does not come from this country and its institutions. It comes through the true Father..the Creator of the universe.... the true Savior.....my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And what is truly free is free indeed!!!
Love & Prayers always....
A place in an ever constant state of change.... as I am always changing, growing and learning. Thank you for stopping in. New Motto: If life gives you crap, make compost and grow a garden!
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Very true Judy. YOu might appreciate a blog article I wrote before the elections. http://peacebringer7.wordpress.com/2008/09/25/the-myth-of-united-states-as-a-christian-nation/
The thing we are now seeing happen, given the folks who are in power is a call and focus on rebellion and a new revolution in varied circles and among Christians. There are people who profess Christian more upset over the political comings and goings then those who are lost.
well, i understand what you are saying sis... i do believe that it has been a battle a spiritual battle from the very inception of this nation, but it really is the best constitution on the planet, that our rights come from our Creator, and the problem has been that the people have turned from God, and become corrupt and that is why we have the state of affairs that we do in this country at this time.. if the people do not repent and humble themselves before God, and follow Him, well everything will all be folded into their satanic NWO toot sweet. The upcoming Copenhagen Treaty regarding "CLIMATE CHANGE" in December could be a meaningfull turning point if our current prez signs that thing...I'm sure that the battle over serving God or serving satan has been going on since day one and will go on until the last day.
America was never a christian country. If the so called founding fathers were 'christians', then they have a lot to answer for laying stumbling blocks before the original inhabitants of this land. To call this country Christian or to talk about getting back to the 'foundations of the founding fathers' is a slap in the face of native folks who know first hand of the deception and trickery our country founding fathers and gov did on them , stealing the land from the original inhabitants and kidnapping and abusiving native children in the boarding schools!! Our country's gov. and founding fathers were never righteous in teh first place!
Right on, JUDY!! I'm glad you see thru the facade of 'christian america"!
Amen Judy, That was a good rant to be sure. It was very harsh, but in these times the people that worship their "things" and the "country" and bow down to the flag, and pledge to it, and bow to the founding (fathers) as if they were gods, and all of that, need some harsh words.
Now we know that gluttonous people such as we are, are never served well by having everything we put our eyes on. We never have enough, that is the nature of the flesh.
Look at Solomon for an example. Solomons story is a perfect picture of America. God given beauty, knowledge, everything he could want....and what end did he have? We should have taken heed to Solomons story, in more ways than one, after all, it was written for our admonition right?
Read Ecclesiastes, "All is vanity, and vexation of spirit, saith the preacher. And remember,
"God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil. Ecclesiastes 12:14.
The patriots are not all bad though, they have been dupped into this type of worship, as most of us were dupped in times past, in one thing or another.
Like you Judy, I get upset about these things, but I try to remember how totally STUPID I was, which was pretty stupid indeed. Most of these types are young, full of testosterone, and it has been taught to them via history books etc. etc. Their "guide" was the government schools, ie patriotism is the religion in government schools.
I pray the Father for them, to come to a more perfect understanding. Amen.
And I thank you Judy for bringing this to light, so that I could pray for it specifically.
A "newbie" to your blog.
Grace and Peace to you, from our Lord Jesus Christ.
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