Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Interesting Info....

I got this info from a fellow survivor and believer... I thought it was worth passing on....
"Life changed for Linda when the Canadian Broadcasting Corporationprogram, The Fifth Estate, aired a segment on Dr. Cameron on January 17,1984. A Vancouver newspaper ran a full-page story on Robert Loggie, aVancouver man who had been experimented on by Dr. Cameron. Loggie was aplaintiff in the class action suit against the CIA for Dr.Cameron’s MKULTRA experiments, which was settled out of court for$750,000, divided among the eight plaintiffs in 1988. [42] EventuallyLinda got $100,000 plus legal fees from the Canadian government. BB 187,188J.G. Watkins & induced a soldier to strike an officer by suggesting thatthe officer was a Japanese soldier. [43] In another experiment, twosubjects who were told to throw sulphuric acid at a laboratory assistant(protected by glass) complied with the hypnotist's commands. [44] MC 158

G.H. Estabrooks is the only mind control doctor who has publiclyacknowledged the building of Manchurian Candidates. In his bookSpiritism, [45] Dr. Estabrooks describes experiments done to createmultiple personality. [46][47] In his book Hypnotism, [48] Dr.Estabrooks states that the creation of experimental multiple personalityfor operational use in military subjects, whom he refers to as superspies, is ethical because of the demands of war. BB 159, 162

In a 1971 article in Science Digest, [49] Dr. Estabrooks claimed to havecreated hypnotic couriers and counterintelligence agents for operationaluse. By the 1920s not only had [clinical hypnotists] learned to applyposthypnotic suggestion, but also to split certain complex individualsinto multiple personalities like Jeckyl-Hydes. During World War II, Iworked this technique with a vulnerable Marine lieutenant I'll callJones. I split his personality into Jones A and Jones B. Jones A, once a"normal" working Marine, became entirely different. He talked communistdoctrine and meant it. He was welcomed enthusiastically by communistcells, and was deliberately given a dishonorable discharge by the Corpsand became a card-carrying party member. Jones B was the deeperpersonality, knew all the thoughts of Jones A, was a loyal American andwas "imprinted" to say nothing during conscious phases. All I had to dowas hypnotize the whole man, get in touch with Jones B, the loyalAmerican, and I had a pipeline straight into the Communist camp. Itworked beautifully. BB 167-169

Dr. Estabrooks did experiments on children. He corresponded with FBIDirector J. Edgar Hoover about using hypnosis to interrogate juveniledelinquents. His experimentation raises the possibility that he or otherinvestigators might have attempted to create Manchurian Candidates inchildren. Such a possibility might seem far-fetched until one considersthe LSD, biological and radiation experiments conducted on children,[50][51][52] and the fact that four MKULTRA Subprojects were onchildren. The deliberate creation of multiple personality in children isan explicitly stated plan in the MKULTRA Subproject Proposal submittedfor funding on May 30, 1961. BB 61, 176, 177 For more, click here"
"Electronic Implants

Jose Delgado’s development of the Stimoceiver in the 1950s broughtintelligence agencies’ ultimate dream of controlling humanbehavior one step closer to reality. The Stimoceiver—a miniatureelectrode capable of receiving and transmitting electronicsignals—could be placed within an individual’s cranium. Oncein place, an outside operator could manipulate the subject’sresponses. Delgado demonstrated the potential of his Stimoceivers bywiring a fully-grown bull. With the device in place, Delgado steppedinto the ring with the bull. The animal charged towards the experimenter– and then suddenly stopped, just before it reached him. Thepowerful beast had been stopped with the simple action of pushing abutton on a small box held in Delgado’s hand. [56] MC 147

Dr. Delgado, a neurosurgeon and professor at Yale,[57][58][59][60][61][62] received funding for brain electrode researchon children and adults. He did research in monkeys and cats, and in onepaper describes the cats as “mechanical toys.” He was ableto control the movements of his animal and human subjects by pushingbuttons on a remote transmitter box. In 1966, Delgado asserted that hisexperiments “support the distasteful conclusion that motion,emotion and behavior can be directed by electrical forces. Humans can becontrolled like robots by push buttons.” [63] BB 88, 89, MC 147

An 11-year old boy underwent a partial change of identity upon remotestimulation of his brain electrode: “Electrical stimulation of thesuperior temporal convolution induced confusion about his sexualidentity. These effects were specific, reliable, and statisticallysignificant. For example, the patient said, 'I was thinking whether Iwas a boy or a girl,' and 'I’d like to be a girl.'" After one ofthe stimulations the patient suddenly began to discuss his desire tomarry the male interviewer. Temporal-lobe stimulation produced inanother patient open manifestations and declarations of pleasure,accompanied by giggles and joking with the therapist. In two adultfemale patients stimulation of the same region was followed bydiscussion of marriage and expression of a wish to marry the therapist.[64] BB 88, 89

Brain electrode research was also conducted independently at Harvard byDr. Delgado’s coauthors, Drs. Vernon Mark, Frank Ervin, andWilliam Sweet. Mark and Ervin describe implanting brain electrodes in alarge number of patients at Harvard hospitals. A patient named Jenniewas 14 years old when they put electrodes in her brain. In their bookViolence and the Brain, [65] photographs show 18-year old Julia smiling,angry, or pounding the wall depending on which button is being pushed onthe transmitter box sending signals to her brain electrodes. The mindcontrol doctors saw their patients as biological machines, a view whichmade them sub-human, and therefore easier to abuse in mind controlexperiments. BB 88-91

Dr. Robert G. Heath, [66][67][68] Chairman of the Department ofPsychiatry and Neurology at Tulane University, placed brain electrodesin a young homosexual man and fitted him with a box. A button on the boxcould be used to electrically stimulate an electrode implanted in apleasure center. During one three-hour period, the patient, referred toas B-19, stimulated himself 1,500 times. “During these sessions,B-19 stimulated himself to a point that he was experiencing an almostoverwhelming euphoria and elation, and had to be disconnected, despitehis vigorous protests." [69] BB 94"

Dr. John Lilly describes the technique of electrode implantation.“Electrodes could be implanted in the brain without usinganesthesia. Short lengths of hypodermic needle tubing equal in length tothe thickness of the skull were quickly pounded through the scalp intothe skull. These stainless steel guides furnished passageways for theinsertion of electrodes into the brain to any desired distance and atany desired location. Because of the small size of the sleeve guides,the scalp quickly recovered from the small hole made in it, and thesleeve guide remained imbedded in the bone for months to years. At anytime he desired, the investigator could palpate [rub] the scalp and findthe location of each of the sleeve guides. Once one was found, heinserted a needle down through the bone. After withdrawing the needle,the investigator placed a small sharp electrode in the track made by theneedle and pressed the electrode through the skull and down into thesubstance of the brain to any desired depth.” [70] NB 62 Formore, click here


Trish Daniel said...

oh gosh sis!


i may repost on crazylamb as well.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Estabrooks was an evil genius.

BTW, I have a copy of that article from the Science magazine interview.

I am closing down this blog

Hey all I am closing down this blog in a few days. I will open a new one under I will explain on that b...