Monday, February 9, 2015

Postive in a negitive world...

I grew up in a negative world.
Everything around me was based on fear and negative reinforcement.
However, I did manage to believe in a power much larger then me or anything else out there, that could change everything in a blink of an eye.
I didn't always understand why this power chose to let things go on as they did, but I believed that somehow, someday it would change for me.
I was taught to believe in the forces of good VS. evil... I was taught that evil usually won for a season and then good overcame in the end.
Now I know that GOOD already overcame...we do not have to wait for some kind of end, or huge evil takeover for GOOD to overcome.
Every time we promote the negative we give it power to do what it does. But hey folks!!!! Listen!!!
GOOD has already won!!!!

We need to be a positive reinforcement on this planet. We have the whole kingdom of GOD with in us!! It is not out there somewhere waiting for a good time to show up. Its here inside of every human. We are all part of the same Creator!!!
The only thing keeping us from that knowledge is FEAR.

Seek ye first the kingdom of GOD!!! Look inside of yourself, that is where you will find it. Until we start looking at humanity as the whole Creation of GOD instead of individuals, who are better or worse or black or white or Christian or Muslim or whatever and start seeing us all as the humanity of GOD, there will always be negativity such as hate, prejudice, murder, wars, child abuse etc.

If you really want to make a difference, start at home. Start loving the people you thought you could not love. Start putting out positive energy. Don't worry what everyone else is doing, do your part. Positive energy attracts more positive energy.

I am seeing it more and more in my own life. When I pray I see GODS energy of light and love pouring over everyone's heads and bodies I am praying for, like a warm healing flow. I pray positive words over them. I am coming to understand how what we think about others really effects them and us.

Why do you think the powers that be, the media etc., spend so much time on the negative? To keep people divided and angry, to keep them in fear and bondage and to keep humanity from understanding that we are all connected and what we do to one another effects us all. Be it positive or negative.

When you really get a grasp how connected we all are and how our negative thinking and actions effect each and every one of us, you then start wanting to change the way you think, talk and act.

I have been coming to this realization as of late and since I have started trying to change my thinking and actions, I can already see the positive results in the people around me. But mostly I see the positive results in myself.

I hope this helps some of you out there who are struggling with depression, anger or any negative feelings in your life.

If you feel you just can not start being positive, then..........
Put on that garment of Praise!!! It is a positive force that wards off all heaviness or negative energy!!!

Love, light and prayers!!!

Judy : )

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I am closing down this blog

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